Paxil and weight gain

I just started out on this new journey 2 days ago. Ive battled drugs and drink and have 10 years sober this summer. Ive also been up against mental illness, I have panic disorder. Ive taken paxil to treat this condition for 10 years . With out it I would have killed myself in one way or another. The down fall of this miracle drug is that its all but impossibile to stop taking, its like heroine the withdrawls are are just awful. Ive tried several times but the illness is still there. Now it seems food is my new addiction and another fight looms before me. I have heard from everyone I know that paxil packs on the pounds. Ive used this as an exscuse to do nothing for a few years. Is there anyone out there who takes paxil and lost weight? I could use the inspiration greatly. So far the worst part of this new struggle is the feeling that my disorder and medication are just insurmountable.


  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    first of all, congrats on the 10 years sober. thats amazing and nothing short of an incredible accomplishment. keep going.

    i was on paxil 15yrs ago or so, and i gained 60lbs. i was mortified. it just put me in a catatonic state plus i kept packing on the lbs which made me more depressed, so i stopped taking it. there are other options out there.

    a friend of mine has been on paxil for close to 12 years and he's fit as a button...but he's also in the gym quite

    but most importantly, remember this : if you can be sober and have achieved the greatness to overcome that addiction, you WILL be able to overcome this food addiction. i know its a struggle, but know youre not alone. the reason why most everyone is here is because we all suffer from some form of food addiction. and the only thing that works is consistency.