measurements question!

Hey guys, I started lifting weights about six weeks ago. Before that, I only did cardio. Since I've started lifting my weight has gone up about 1lb, my FFM has gone up and my BF% has gone down. I feel like I'm more "solid" if that makes sense, so all good signs... but, my measurements have gone up for the most part. My waist has gone up an inch, hips up 2 inches, thigh up an inch, and my neck an inch. Neck! Seriously.

I apologize if this is a stupid question but has anyone had similar results? Is that normal? I just want to be sure I'm gaining the right way.. but it worries me that my waist and neck have increased. I've been doing squats of course so I'm not too surprised by the hip increase, but still.

Thanks for any advice/thoughts! :)


  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Make sure that you are not measuring right after you lift. Muscles are "pumped" for a while. The inch on your neck is truly puzzling!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I've had almost exactly the same results. I don't really know why, my conclusion has been that I was basically at goal weight, just doing body recomp, so I really don't have just inches and scale weight to lose. I'm on stage 6 and have essentially stopped caring about scale weight, and measurements, because they never seem to be consistanantly decreasing. Mostly gains, but, like you, I look and feel so much better, I'm so much stronger, clothes fit better, etc. All the stuff the "actually" matters. It's taken me months to get to this stage of acceptance of what I see and feel like vs numbers, even measurements, which are supposed to be more accurate, but always seemed to disappointment me as much as the scale. I think if you have a lot of weight to lose, it's different with the numbers, more visible decreases. Good luck, don't let it get you down, it's worth it to keep going!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hmmm. Maybe you didn't measure in the same exact spot on your neck? That is very odd. If you've only gained a lb, it really can't be fat....
    I wouldn't worry about the waist as long as its not increasing over time. My waist will fluctuate more than an inch depending on the time of day, month, what I ate the day before, etc. You're doing something right if you've lowered your BF%. Like the others said recomp and fluid retention an make your measurements wonky sometimes. If you feel better and like what you're seeing in the mirror, keep it up!