

  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    Michelle - welcome to the group! I hope that you are able to find some motivation here and that maybe spending more time looking at the non-scale victories will help you in between the scale ones. I have heard time and time again that the closer people get to their goal weight, the harder the pounds are to get off. So don't give up! You can do it!

    Jessica - welcome to NSV! Fast food is pretty addicting! Try not to think of anything as being ''off limits''. For me as soon as I think of a food as being something that I CAN'T have I become hyper focused on it. Just maybe schedule it into your day (so that you aren't going over your calorie goal), make smarter choices when you do get it, or even (this is what I did) make the rule that you can only have it on days you workout! Just a few ideas. At any rate, you can do it. Just stick with it and don't give up. :)
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Hi my name is sarah. I achieved my goal weight in december and maintained for a month. Then some disasters happened incl flooding so i gained weight as i was needing to eat out and was way too busy for the gym. Life is great now so hoping to lose those 5kg i put on this year. Ive done it can happen again!
    Original weight-70kg
    Cw: 64kg
    Gw: 58-59kg
    Height is 5;2

    Im australian aged 31. Love life, socialising, cooking, reading.
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    I posted yesterday without introducing myself!

    I'm Steph, 24 from England. I have a son called Alex who is now 5 and a half. in 2010, early 2011 I had lost all of my pregnancy weight (Alex was born in 2007!!) but I was in a new relationship and that helped keep my weight down too, at my slimmest I was 69kg, but for my build this was too skinny and people kept asking me if I was okay and was I eating enough!

    so I relaxed and slowly the weight kept creeping back on (I am now also a really good cook!) I'm still in the same relationship (nearly 3 years, and my longest relationship ever!) but in the past I've always used break ups as my reason to lose weight, but this time I'm hoping he's the one! he is very supportive and tells me he wants me to be happy, he thinks I look perfect no matter what, I know I'm very lucky to have such a man in my life!

    so this is the first time I've looked at weight loss in a new light, not to catch a man, or to show an ex what he's missing out on, but for me to be happy and healthy and live a more fulfilling life! no quick fix but long term life changes!
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Jessica, I'm a 23-year-old full-time student, part-time hostess at a restaurant. I have been struggling with my weight for only a year now, but I already miss my size 9 jeans. I can't make myself get rid of them because I am convinced that I will fit into them again and I'm determined to get there! About a year ago I started dating my current boyfriend, who lived mainly on fast food and Red Robin cheeseburgers (he worked there as a cook and therefore got a free meal every day). He got me back into the fast food track and I'm desperate to get out. It's not as easy as I'd hoped. Fast food really is addicting. My boyfriend and I have just started a competition: he has to gain a 6-pack and I have to lose 20 pounds in six months (deadline: September 3rd). Winner gets an all-expense paid weekend to a destination of his or her choosing. I have been trying to lose weight for a few months now and the scale reading goes down a few pounds (no more than 4) only to go back up the next week. I'm getting discouraged and looking for additional motivation and support. And of course, I'd love to help support and motivate all of you.

    My biggest issue is my profound love of nearly anything edible, particularly carbs. I just can't stay away from pasta, cheese, potatoes, salt or butter. I love them too much. :3

    Here are my stats:

    SW: 168
    CW: 168.5
    GW: 135

    I wish great success upon all of you!!

    i also have the problem that anything edible is my favourite food! pizza burgers cheese! gimmie gimmie gimmie! but last week i started the Monday to Friday diet! i don't do well with the calorie limits as all the meals i want to eat would mean i could only have two meals a day! and with a son to run around after, classes at uni and 3 jogs a week, being hungry makes me cranky! so I've split my 1500cal limit into 12-15 individual snacks that i have every hour, last week it worked well, i wasn't hungry and taking mini meals with me to uni was easy, it just meant instead of having breakfast at 7, lunch at 12, dinner at 5, breakfast was 7-9, morning snacks 10 & 11, lunch 12-2, afternoon snacks 3 & 4 and dinner was 5-7.
    I also realise this wouldn't work for everyone, but the variety of foods i had was more than when i tried to keep it to 3 meals, i made my own soup and divided it into portions to freeze for the week and I weighed and calculated everything! but on Saturday and Sunday i had normal family meals with my boy friend and son, i got full a lot faster and i was concious of the hard work and efforts i'd made through the week so i ate a lot less than i would have done the week before. (though i did have a scoop of my own home made chocolate and fudge ice cream!)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Mom of two and a full time Instructional Designer. Discovered the Couch to 5k program in December, completed in February. Discovered MFP in January. I lost all my baby weight within a month of delivery and then gained it back with friends in the couple of months following. My youngest is a year old, so I'm committed to losing the weight again.

    My former goal weight was 150, but I did a hydrostatic BMR and found that with my current muscle mass + 25% body fat, I should be shooting for 172. I don't need to be a particular size and I do need all the muscle I have to keep up with my kids, so I'm cool with that goal.

    HW: 216
    CW: 190
    GW: 172.2
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Hello all,
    My real name is Sarah and I'm a 32 year old science geek living in Gateshead, UK.
    I've been fighting with the scales for years and can get seriously preoccupied with whatever number it decides to spit out!
    I'm also a carb junkie with a possibly unnaturally large appetite...luckily I enjoy running or I might struggle to fit through doorways...!
    I 'm currently trying to drop a few pounds and inches for my wedding in November...I'd quite like hubby to be able to pick me up without damaging his spine...!!
  • DragonflyBoudica
    DragonflyBoudica Posts: 28 Member
    joined MFP 2 months ago. It was recommended by several friends who all said it helped them. MFP has already helped me to be more consistent. I am not trying to lose much, 5-10 of fat weight. Mainly trying to get stronger, fit, healthy, have more endurance & energy, feel happier, fit into smaller sized clothes. That's what brought me to this group-non scale victories.
    I'm mainly into weight training, running, exercises, and eating clean. I also enjoy dance, hiking,& a little yoga.
    I'm 41, married, 2 kids (3 & 13), a teacher, & working on my masters degree.
    It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I wish you well on your fitness journey.