Recovery Week Substitute?

So this week I start my last week of my first month. I am going to be in Florida the following Monday-Saturday which is recovery week. Is there an equal substitute I can at least do Tuesday-Friday because I can squeeze in Insanity on that Monday and Saturday. Thanks so much in advance for any advice! :)


  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Maybe some pilates, if you have a dvd. Will you have access to a dvd player? Its so much isolated core movement and some strength stuff, so its not like it could be substituted with running or walking. Or you could run those days and then make up the missed Insanity days when you get back. I usually just make the days up; pick up where I left off, if I'm not gonna be somwhere I can do the dvd's. Or you can watch them online, if you'll have computer access. I loved Recovery week!