
I'll be real until the last couple of weeks there I was NOT an exercise person. The idea made me really uncomfortable, going somewhere to exercise made me anxious, I was super self-conscious people were going to be looking at me and judging me. I have always been a big person and have had very negative experiences exercising in public and exercising at home, I usually give up on after a while. Luckily, thanks to my wonderful future MIL I was able to be introduced to Zumba! Zumba, swimming, and walking have become part of my weekly routine. Finding things that I really love doing has helped so much in my endeavour to get moving more.

What do you do for exercise/what is your exercise routine? Would you recommend this to someone else? Why or why not?


  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    First of all. You are so ahead of most of us. I didn't start exercising till I had lost 70 pounds. You are smart exercising from the beginning.

    . I find that i mostly walk for cardio or go on the elliptical . I do a series of arm exercises with weights, lots of lunges, squats, dips and push ups scattered throughout the day.

    I have to say that I still don't like exercise , but I love the results and I love the experience and the rush I get when I realize that I can do things. I am getting my life back and exercise is part of that.
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    I love going to the gym. But it took me a few weeks to get used to it. At first I was really uncomfortable.

    That said, gyms aren't for everyone.

    I like to walk the trails by my house, and do yoga as well. AND if I could find a cheap place to swim, that would be my choice exercise. :)
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    I love going to the gym. But it took me a few weeks to get used to it. At first I was really uncomfortable.

    That said, gyms aren't for everyone.

    I like to walk the trails by my house, and do yoga as well. AND if I could find a cheap place to swim, that would be my choice exercise. :)

    I swim at the community center by my home during the free swim/lap time. It is very reasonable! Do you have a community center or a park owned indoor pool? Those are likely to be cheapest. :)
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    First of all. You are so ahead of most of us. I didn't start exercising till I had lost 70 pounds. You are smart exercising from the beginning.

    . I find that i mostly walk for cardio or go on the elliptical . I do a series of arm exercises with weights, lots of lunges, squats, dips and push ups scattered throughout the day.

    I have to say that I still don't like exercise , but I love the results and I love the experience and the rush I get when I realize that I can do things. I am getting my life back and exercise is part of that.

    Honestly, in the past I have always avoided exercise like the plague! I have tried losing weight before and always hit a plateau early on (around 25 pounds lost). I knew starting this last time that if I wanted results I had never gotten before then I would have to do things I had never done before. This is why I really started researching food and completely changed how I eat (though I'm far from perfect). I also knew that meant exercise so I really tried to find things I would like and could stick to.i talked a little bit about that in that blog entry I wrote that you were kind enough to read. :) Thanks for the support.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I finished the Couch to 5k running program in early February and am really getting in to running. It's awesome being able to go from being barely able to finish a 90 second jog to spinning out a satisfying 30 minute run.
  • newcat31
    newcat31 Posts: 4
    I WALK, either outside around my neighbourhood or inside on my treadmill, usually for 20 - 30 mins. I do a WEIGHT SESSION with dumbbells 2-3 times a week, using a mixture of 1kg, 2kg, 3kg weights. I always follow my walks & weight sessions with STRETCHES. I find this exercise routine to be suitable for me and something I can stick with. Some days if I don't feel like walking I put some music on and just DANCE around to it. I've only recently started walking & doing weights again after not doing much at all for a few months. It's autum here in Australia now so since the humid weather has gone I now have no more excuses lol.
  • jessmadd37
    jessmadd37 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm really bad at exercising. My schedule is crazy busy and I don't have a lot of time, but I also don't try hard to make time. I use the exercise room at my apartment complex, which closes at 10. When I go I do a 30 minute walk at 4.0 miles per hour with a 10% grade incline. It's a really good workout and I need to do it more often. The first 5-10 minutes are really rough and I have to really push myself to keep going, but after 10 minutes I get into a rhythm and the rest is easy - just really sweaty. Haha. Ideally I would like an elliptical machine. I lost a lot of weight when I had one in my home and then I had to sell it because I moved and didn't have space for it. That was one of the worst decisions I've ever made and I really regret it.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I am really getting into kickboxing on my daughters wii and it is a work out believe it or not. She has a just dance also I might try of course this girl would turn the volume down so she can just have fun learning how to dance with out boo if I don't move on the right arrow.
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    Nice @ Kickboxing! I really really want to try it! :D
  • maluttrell
    maluttrell Posts: 29 Member
    I was never big on exercise and have yo-yo'ed back and forth with my weight for years. I've decided that if I want this to be the last time I lose weight that I had to change how I eat as well as start exercising.

    In December I started walking on the thread mill for 30 minutes 3 times a week. I was so out of shape I could barely manage that. In January I increased to 5 times a week, In February to daily. Now for March I am doing a full hour plus strength training.

    Today I actually did 5 miles...took me 77 minutes but I did it!!! I have found it easier if I do intervals...slow fast, slow fast for 20 minutes; stop do 25 reps of 2 different strength training exercises and repeat until I am at my hour...Today I kept going because I wanted to see if I could manage 5 miles and I did!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Great victory, maluttrell!
  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    Awesome job on the exercising! I am very impressed that you swim, I avoid putting a swimsuit on unless I absolutely have to...I love swimming though! I started going to kickboxing classes almost 3 months ago and the first time I went I was so mortified. I was by far the biggest and most out of shape person there and also the youngest. It was horrible. I could barely get through the workout. I kept going though and have improved so much that I can go to two classes in a row (120 minutes total). I am still not the most in shape or the smallest person but just the fact that I have stuck with it is awesome to me. I don't wonder anymore if people are looking at me and judging me because I remember why I am there, to get in shape, to lose weight and I am doing this for me, who cares what anyone else thinks!