having to modify planking moves

tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
I'm finding that pretty much anything that involves a plank I need to modify. I do as much as I can in the complete position but anything that resembles a burpee lets just be honest I can't get my legs up in between my arms - have to step to the side which then throws me off balance... (particularly in the one move on work out 3 that is the plank and yoga move combined)...

Just curious if other people are having to make this modification too and if this will be a problem moving on into later weeks - i'm not sure if I should just keep repeating the weeks until I can do them with no modification or what...


  • I can't do the plank to crescent. I don't know if it's my body proportions. I am 5'10" and I have a really long torso. I have tried widening my leg stance at the recommendation of a fellow MFPer. That has helped somewhat. But it still really hard to actually maintain form.
  • lucky5552
    lucky5552 Posts: 27 Member
    I do what I can and modify. That yoga plank one is real hard and I dont have the arm strength.I push threw workout and hope in time I will be able to do it..
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    YES its that damn plank to cresent move... I fell over like 4 or 5 times and then finally just stayed in a modified plank to finish out the interval.... i was like what the hell! my stomach does not allow for this just yet... the crab one also was a bit of a killer... had to rest my butt half the exercise...
  • bodyafterbaby4
    bodyafterbaby4 Posts: 20 Member
    I modify pretty much all planks and push up moves.
  • Pwrpuff83
    Pwrpuff83 Posts: 92
    Yeah, I totally fall all over the place trying to do plank to crescent. I just try and go a bit more slowly than they do so I'm getting my form right. A bit of a wish and a hope that it'll come with time and practice.
  • kete05
    kete05 Posts: 13 Member
    I literally cannot do plank to crescent. I have been trying to get that move down in yoga forever. I always need yoga blocks to give me extra length on my arms. Clearly my body is just out of proportion. Guess I am like a T-Rex with tiny little arms! Other than that I do the best I can with the planks. Sometimes I go down on my knees, sometimes I go to my elbows. It just depends on the exercise.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    thanks everyone - i feel much better now... lol maybe i won't break down in the middle of it next time... work out 3 again tomorrow and i'm just dredding it lol... but no giving up allowed... i've got a goal and this is just the beginning!
  • Pwrpuff83
    Pwrpuff83 Posts: 92
    Definitely don't give up! What week are you on? I'm going to be starting week 4 on Monday - we should buddy up! I'm feeling really good and pleased with my progress, but I am so scared to start Phase 2!!! lol
  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    I used to really suck at the yoga moves.. (I did power 90 and p90x lots of yoga) and as time goes on and you build muscle they get easier (well they seemed to for me, but everyone is different) I would say do what you can right now as you continue through the workout you will get stronger and the yoga moves won't be as difficult.

    However the one move I hate is the tree. I have crappy balance lol.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    There is hope for you!!!

    I struggled SO MUCH with plank to crescent but I've gotta say that now I can just do it. I do it slower than they do, and I take an extra beat in the "in between" position, so once I've pushed my leg up between my hands I settle there to regain balance before taking my arms away, but the move is essentially there!

    Keep trying as much as you can - I used to throw my leg between my hands, then lower to a knee to get settled, and then push into crescent from there.

    Then I started only lowering every other time, and now I rarely have to lower.

    However, it's taken me longer than the 4 workouts to get this done (I have the same move in a DDP Yoga DVD so I get extra exposure!)

    I also agree that you need to make sure your stance is nice a wide, nothing like a narrow stance to get you falling over

    Good luck all!
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    I find that I"m modifying a lot of the moves in this program, but I'm determined to keep going and do my best.
  • I have trouble with the plank also, mainly due to wrist issues though. I modify most of the time, but I am only on week 2. But Jillian says anything you do is better than not doing anything. I say try as hard as you can everytime, but if you absolutely must modify, do it. Just my opinion though.:smile:
  • Zeppyb
    Zeppyb Posts: 71 Member
    I have the plank crescent down pretty good, but balancing for the tree is still difficult and I struggle getting my back up high enough off the ground to really get a good crunch for the squirm. Hollow Man is still tough too. My abs are my weakest part!! I definitely think after I'm done with BR, I will do 6 wk 6 pack and either Ripped in 30 or 30 day Shred. Anyone who has done either Ripped in 30 or 30DS able to discuss pros/cons, which one is harder?
  • Pwrpuff83
    Pwrpuff83 Posts: 92
    I've only ever done 30DS, but its a good workout. A combination of a lot of the same sort of stuff we do during the first phase, I think.
    I wanted to try her Yoga dvd when I finish. I'm intrigued by yoga...
  • The plank to crescent -- ugh!!! I've been just planking, or I fall all over the place, I figure it's better than nothing. The crab is a killer too. I can't crab with my hands facing forward. This is only my second time at workout 3 but this morning I thought my arms were going to fall off. I find that the back of the body workouts are a bit easier (not easy but not AS difficult for me)

    I have to say I am super afraid of Phase 2. I really look forward to cardio days now.

    I was very surprised at how far I had come when I did workout 1 for the last time...I HOPE that happens with this one. BUT I'm doing it!!! Better than staying in bed!
  • I have to say I am super afraid of Phase 2. I really look forward to cardio days now.

    Your first time at Workout #5 - you may be frustrated and want to give up. I know I did. But I am now on my 3rd workout of #5 and I love it. I still can't do everything perfectly. But it really is an amazing workout.

    And Cardio #2 is also loads better than Cardio #1.
  • Pwrpuff83
    Pwrpuff83 Posts: 92
    I'm nervous for Phase 2, too! Excited, but scared. But Jillian got me through the first phase, so we must be doing something right, ey? lol