****Daily Thread****



  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Lol still here , i started the LMC/LMP yesterday , shoulders and bum are sore, today is combat 30 and then i will till up the garden, hope ur having a great tuesday
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Glad to hear it!!
    I'm on Day 16 of Body Beast right now. So, I can relate to the muscle soreness.
    So, are you doing Pump 3 days and Combat the other 3?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hello, everyone, well i am almost done with week one on LMP/LMC , i love it so far , i am hoping to lose at least 15 to 20 pounds , anyone ever do it and what were ur results, hope ur having a blessed day
  • womaniam
    womaniam Posts: 104 Member
    Yes I'm here!!
  • womaniam
    womaniam Posts: 104 Member
    Did day 6 of combat, I'm determined to see this through. I had a lot on my plate these last few months but I feel stronger after what I had to go through.

    I'm noticing lower back ache after I've finished working out and sometimes during, this normally happens when I start a work out regimen so I know its going to pass. The burpies and pushups are not my friend yet but I do what I can, I figure as I get stronger I will get better.

    My goals for the next 30 days are consistency, discipline, and I'm not weighing myself until May 1st. I've decided to focus on strengthening my body, and paying more attention to what I put in it rather than the number on the scale. I've learned the key to my success is once my mind is changed mybody will follow it.
  • womaniam
    womaniam Posts: 104 Member
    Good morning everyone. Today is my rest day but I wanted to check in with you all! How's everyone's day today? What does your work-out schedule look like for today?

    my focus today since it is my rest day is nutrition; I started my morning off with:

    1 cup of ginger and lemon tea (no sugar or cream)
    1 cup of special k berry cereal
    1 coup of silk soy milk
    1 pear
    1 cup of orange juice (freshly squeezed not from concentrate 100%)
  • womaniam
    womaniam Posts: 104 Member
    Good Morning Everyone and Happy Spectacular Sunday!

    Got my workout in early and burned 603 calories doing 30 minutes of "LMC week 2 day 1 Power 30" (HRM). I hope everyone has a very very very good day!

    Be blessed!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Good Morning..
    Glad to see you are still kicking it Tamikka!! You are getting some unbelievable burns!! Great going!!
    Good idea staying away from the scales. Sometimes, people get too focused on the number and not all the other little things like pants fitting more loose or the toning in the arms, or the longer times between needing a rest or, since you are wearing a heart rate monitor, the quicker your heart rate settles. All those little things, although not seen on the scale, are very BIG signs that you are getting more fit. Fit is better than Skinny anyday!! :)

    I'm still doing the Body Beast program. Just moved into Phase 2 (of 3) last night. I am feeling it today. Sore, sore, sore.
  • mandykaye32
    mandykaye32 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Amanda and I have done one week of Les Mills Combat, and I love it! I have a question for anyone that can answer. Currently Myfitness pal has set my calories at 1330, once i entered my info. Is this enough calories while doing Les Mills? Or do I need to eat more? I lost 30 lbs doing insanity and tap out and at the time I was eating around 1500 calories. I then did insanity 2 more rounds and added rush fit, and gained around 6 lbs...I was still eating around 1500 calories. I really don't know how to figure out how many calories I should be eating to lose weight! Should i eat more ? i want to lose another 20' lbs! Please help!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Good Morning Mandy..
    Not many people use this forum any more, but I still check in from time to time, so I just saw your message..
    Have you gone through the nutrition guide for Combat? It will help you figure out what your calorie intake should be. Most of us, when we started Combat, actually had to up our caloric intake to start losing weight again. I was at a serious plateau while I was doing a Pump/Insanity hybrid. Once I started with Combat, I raised my calories from 1600 to about 1800 and the weight started dropping again. I know that's not much help, but it is something to look into.
    Hope you are enjoying Combat as much as the rest of us did!! I still go back to theroutines when I need a break from whatever program I'm doing at the time. Still LOVE Combat!! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me directly..