Anyone else doing a 3 day split?

Hello everyone!

I'm fairly 'new' to weight lifting. I've only been lifting heavy for about 2 months and doing a 3 day split with cardio day between and one rest day. I am totally hooked. I started to hum "I've got a Golden Ticket..." to myself after every lifting day, I love it that much.

What I'm trying to ask is for a critique and perhaps some wonderful knowledge from you all about when to change up your workout (if at all, maybe I'm fretting for no reason). I guess I'm putting the cart before the horse here, and worrying that my body will become adapted to these exercises? You be the judge and let me know.

I'm focusing on form, eating much better (with two cheat meals per week, no whole cheat day), and increasing strength with each workout.

I took this workout from a former MFP'er. I wish she was still on here because she was such an amazing inspiration. (mindbodystrength)

Monday: Chest/ Triceps

Chest: 4 sets of Flat bench Press SS w/ Incline Bench dumbbell Flyes
Triceps: 4 sets of Skullcrushers SS w/ Seated overhead DB extensions
Machine Bench weight high enough to failure. (trying to get to 100lbs by July)

Wednesday: Legs/ Shoulders/Calves

Legs: 4 sets of Leg Press SS w/ Squats (with DB's)
Stepback Lunges SS w/ Leg curls (4 sets)

Shoulders: 4 sets of Shoulder Presses SS w/ Side Laterals
Calves: 4 sets Calf raises

Friday: Back/Biceps

Back: Lat Pulldowns SS w/ Seated rows
Biceps: Barbell curls SS w/ DB twisting curls
Hammer curls SS/ kneeling push ups (eventually normal push ups)

Note: I do about 5 minutes of warmup and 5 minutes of stretching before each lifting session. I follow them up with 20-30 minutes of cardio and I try to change up the kind of cardio I do. On Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday I have Cardio Only days, with Sunday as my rest day.

Should I change this up? Or should I just keep on trucking, as long as I'm trying to gradually increase my weights? Any advice would be lovely. I've been trying very hard to make better choices in the kitchen and eating back my exercise calories (the past week I've gone over on my sodium, so I'm really going to be better about my macros)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and not ignored! Thank you in advance!