How well did you do in Feb?

melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
Well when we started out in Feb my goal was to make it into the 250's by march first. Did I make my goal yes? Was it way into 250's??? NO I now weight in at 259lbs. But on the right track. :)
How did everyone else do with Feb????
Are you re-vamping your goal for 5/1/13???
Me i'm hoping to be in the low 240's by then. Good luck and lets keep up the good job!


  • I did not make my goal for February, so I'm going hard in March! I'm doing a 21 day fruit/veggie/juice cleanse. Also, I've had some health concerns so the weight "has to" (according to my doc) come off! My goal for March is 15 pounds. I started at 230. I'll be weighing in on Mondays!

    Good luck to you and congrats!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • dzlilo
    dzlilo Posts: 55 Member
    I fell off the wagon in February. I lost only half a pound... at least I did not gain!

    March will be much better!!
  • mrzpeep1
    mrzpeep1 Posts: 64 Member
    yea feb wasn't so good. I had emotional breakdown when I gained 2lbs and gave up. I'm trying to get back on track now. It's just hard when you are motivated and you do the right things eat exactly what you are supposed to and exercise then scale slaps you in face and says no!
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    try measuring instead of weighing in. Sometimes you see a huge difference in inches but not weight. :) You all can do this! I too have had some issues and trying to get back in the hang of things. Just take one day at a time!