Intro & what works for me :)

Hey everyone!

I'm a 28 year old woman, 5'4 tall (162 cm) and currently weighing 111.5 pounds (50.6 kg). My current weight is truly progress for me. I used to weigh about 100 pounds, so a 10+ pounds gain has been more than welcome! My goal is to be a healthy weight and not look bony.

I've always been skinny and heard everything from "you have to eat more" to "do you have anorexia??" to "you're so lucky to be so slim!". I always thought I was eating normal, 3 or so meals a day usually and I would eat whatever I wanted. Turns out it wasn't until I got onto this app and saw how many calories I should be eating in order to gain weight that I really understood that I've been eating too little all my life!

To top it off I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which means I have to stick to a Low Carb diet more or less.

Just so you know, I'm not going to the gym at all so I'm not gaining any muscle, just fat. Maybe I'll start doing weights at a later point but for now it's fat gain only.

Let me tell you, eating the recommended amount of calories every day has not been an easy task. What has worked well for me though has been to add a salad to every dinner. I'll make one of 8-10 cherry tomatoes, a bit of cucumber and half an avocado with Knorr Greek dressing mix mixed with 4 tbsp olive oil and 2 tbsp water. That amount of dressing mix will last me two salads, so I save half of the mix in the fridge for later. The avocado and olive oil adds a lot of calories plus it's healthy fat. It's a great little salad you can add to many meals, and that dressing mix (it comes in small packets) is so yummy!

Other things I've started doing is drinking hot cocoa made with whole milk, with a big dash of whipped cream.
More eggs such as hard boiled on brown bread with mayo and salt & pepper. Scrambled with a bit of creme fraiche or full fat sour cream mixed in. Fried with a thin slice of Gouda cheese melted on top, sometimes with ham too.
Hamburgerssss! Delicious and calorie rich, I can enjoy them knowing they'll help me add on the pounds. I don't add fries though, just the burger.
Cereal where I'll mix Special K and All Bran and add whole milk.
A cold glass of whole milk now and then throughout the day, really it makes such a difference to start adding whole milk where you can.
Peanut butter, jelly and banana sandwiches. Even a teaspoon of peanut butter now and then as a snack :)

To sum it up: Olive oil, avocado, whole milk, full fat sour cream, whipped cream, eggs, cheese, peanut butter. Add it where you can.

It can be a good idea to add your meals into MyFitnessPal as soon as you're done eating. Then you can easily keep track of the calories. If I feel I didn't eat as many calories as I should've for breakfast or lunch I'll have a yogurt or some Ritz crackers with full fat sour cream. Or a banana. Those things work great as snacks too.

Hope this could be of some help, it's definitely working for me but even a small increase in calorie intake a day can be hard and I sometimes feel very full. I still have to learn to eat in between meals to space it out throughout the day. There's no need to rush it, take your time and get used to it bit by bit. Enjoy your meals :)
