Something to think about when it comes to excuses

verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
I have another group and there are almost daily topics there. This came in today and it's a eye opening to me.

I knew that restraurants were going to have to start posting their calories soon under the new laws but if there is no one policing the data, then how can anyone trust it? OMG. We consumers have to start rising up and questioning the 'facts' more often. I tend not to eat my caloreis back that I earn by exercise. I have suspected for awhile that I'm not always great at really capturing portion sizes. But now I know I need to allow some leeway for other food sources too. Non-packaged food may be the safest bet at this point. Anyone else have similar stories?


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I'd be willing to pay a few cents extra in taxes for a federal agency to do actual testing on all the products and publish federally approved information. It would take the guesswork out of so much of the food that's out there.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I would too. But I think the manufactors need to share the costs. Think of the vaule of what being honest in your advertising could be to say we really know that is a valid calorie count.