Mind if I join

DanceGirl0309 Posts: 55 Member
Do you all mind if I join? This sounds like a great group for me to fit into! Currently I'm 5'4" and about 131 pounds. My goal weight is 120...so about 11 pounds to go. I used to be a dancer. I danced from the time I was 5, majored in dance in college, and taught dance in my own studio for 6 years after college. I stopped dancing when I was 28 to have a larger family (I was taking my daughter to classes with me at the time and knew I couldn't teach and watch 2 kids at the same time, And daycare wasn't an option where I live.). I am now a stay at home mom of 2 kids and am really missing that beautiful dancer body that I had. I am currently doing Leslie Sansone walk at home videos for my workouts and love them! I've bought some 10 minute solution videos (one for toning, one for abs, a kickboxing one, and a stability ball one) to do for a little variety or to add on to my walking workouts.


  • Gells79
    Gells79 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! We can be newbies together - I only just joined too!! :)
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    I am new too! Trying to learn the MFP system! I have been on Sparkpeople for about 4 years I think, but it grew kind of stale. Love the trackers here, I just wish there was a mileage tracker too! Good luck on your goals tiny dancer!