Day 13 completed Photo Results

melissandra Posts: 49 Member
I started in late Feb. Just Completed Day 13 Results. I'm excited to see my 30 Day Results.



  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    You look fabulous!!! Thanks for the encouragement!
  • scarletspy
    scarletspy Posts: 170 Member
    You look great! Just the motivation I needed going into day 5! Thanks and keep up the good work :happy:
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Looking great! Keep up the good work and thanks for the motivation :-)
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Looking good! You can totally see some differences! Amazing.
    This post is my motivation today, I've been having a hard time getting in the head space to get up and work out.

    I like your undies. They look comfortable. I've had the worst time find comfortable undies since gaining weight.
  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    Definitely see some changes. Well done!
  • You look awesome! Good for you (: Keep it up. Thanks for the motivation.
  • doodlemeg
    doodlemeg Posts: 57 Member
    This is amazing motivation! Thank you for posting this and GREAT work! =D
  • beejelblor
    beejelblor Posts: 123 Member
    You should be soo proud!! This is so motivational :) Keep up the great work!!