March 8th -- 14th



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,896 Member
    Hi everyone, had to do these at work today. Was great, hardly any rests. Feel very strong today. Not looking forward to the increases though. Lol

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,428 Member
    Hey guys! I found the challenge this week, but didn't "join"...took me three days to find it again! I am nursing a wobbly knee from too much treadmill the last couple weeks, but I don't want to lose ground. I like how circuit training works all your parts, but doesn't over-wear any one thing.

    Question: on the mountain climbers, I was a little concerned about my knee because it's always been "make sure your knee is over your toe"...but this exercise isn't. Are they safe for knees? Seems like a good questions since I'm nursing knees for running!

    Hey JoanB5,

    Welcome to our little group! If you go to and plug in mountain climbers you'll see how they are done. I have to modify them, so I don't jump...kind of walk and tap my toe. I'm getting faster but have to be careful. I hope this helps.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,428 Member
    Challenge is complete for today 03/12! Hot dog! I'm grinning!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,896 Member
    All I could think when I was finishing it today is Yes, done for this week. But then in the back of my mind a little voice was saying, there are more of everything come Friday! Ahhhhh........
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    1.5 sets yesterday afternoon (underestimated needed recovery time!), both sets this A.M., my arms were shaking for an hour afterwards!

    Results: I am doing jumping jacks stronger every day! I'm getting FAST! Watch out!

    Modifications: I'm leaving out the push up and the hand raises in the burpees, but I don't mind them. I have to watch my HR, so I just add in extra push-ups to the push-up set. I keep losing my Post It note! Wish I could see this forum through the APP. Need to add a note to my notepad on my iPod so it will be easy to find.

    Tools: Today, I used a kitchen timer with a "memory" feature so that I don't cool down too much between sets. Takes me about 20 minutes with rests. What about you guys?
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,896 Member
    Doing the Jack's steady and strong. They are boring. Lol squats, full on, with a pause at the bottom to power up. Then the burpees. Squat, kick the legs back, full pushups on my toes, jump back in and power up. Then I did the pushups modified, saving energy! Then my climbers, steady pace, kind of fast. I did both sets the same way. I sometimes have to talk myself into doing all the burpees. Lol. I have not timed myself. I do some stretching afterwards and have been guessing 20 minutes for all. Actually can see a change in my muscle tone on my side's. :) My back is getting stronger. I have been a little achy since we started. Not exactly in slot of pain, just achy. Hoping that tomorrow's rest day removes that. :) Might do all the pushups on my toes for the next round. I will need a longer rest between sets probably.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,428 Member
    Hey Shelley!

    Tried doing half the JJ's modified and the other half's a no go. Knees were yelling yesterday, so today was modified for all of them. Squats are low...hadn't thought about the pause, but I'll give that a try next time. Burpees modified. Pushups...first set on my toes, second set on my knees. Mtn. climbers were steady and quick. I think 20 mins is right. I saw two muscles on my left side...only on the left,, I'm going to either walk in circles or with a limp! bwahaha! Resting tomorrow. yay! cool! Going for a walk now.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,896 Member
    Lol, I so am seeing that circle walk. :) So you made it to the top. The view is great up here. :) Jack's are hard on knees and feet alike. I recently did a workout where they explained why the pause. I had done it before but didn't get the full concept of why we pause. I am thinking it will take longer Friday. So looking forward to tomorrow's rest. I will probably do either yoga or a long stretch for a little active recovery. :) Don't walk in a circle in public. They will commit you. Let me know your visiting hours and I will sneak in a hacksaw. :)

    Great job doing so many on your toes. WOOHOO. :)

  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    PUSH-UUPS Whoa! So many push ups on your toes, AND in the burpees? You girls are steel.

    JACKS: I haven't been doing pauses in Jacks. I'll have to think about that.

    SQUATS: Read yesterday about doing some squats with hands behind + your head = HARD! Guess it adds extra weight downward. I just did a few that way SET 1. I pause after 15 and repeat.

    Knees: personally still medicating some with Alleve, not icing this week. Things are better. Still watching them. not doing full burpees, but not hating them as a result! A trade-off perhaps. LOL

    Scheduled my first 5K for next Sat. A Color Run, untimed, but taking two kids and have to drive an hour...a little nervous and starting to get a cold. : ( Hopefully I can run most of it. May start and stop my watch through the color zones to get a decent time for the run.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,896 Member
    Oops I meant pauses at the bottom of the squats, but I bet slow Jack's would be killers also. No momentum. I often hold my arms out in front of me on the squats. Anything for a little extra. Don't clasp them behind your head if you get dizzy. Might fall forward and go squish. Lol. Have a great race. Baby your knees, only get one set of them. I try not to pause to often. Yesterday I was forced to stop and bring in my barking dogs! Little stinkers. I push myself but not to the point of being dizzy from loss of oxygen. And yes, I am feeling stronger also. :)

    I find' t do full burpees the first two days I believe. Doing them slower, but with the push up now.

    Running now, have a great race with your boys. :)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,896 Member
    Oops I meant pauses at the bottom of the squats, but I bet slow Jack's would be killers also. No momentum. I often hold my arms out in front of me on the squats. Anything for a little extra. Don't clasp them behind your head if you get dizzy. Might fall forward and go squish. Lol. Have a great race. Baby your knees, only get one set of them. I try not to pause to often. Yesterday I was forced to stop and bring in my barking dogs! Little stinkers. I push myself but not to the point of being dizzy from loss of oxygen. And yes, I am feeling stronger also. :)

    I didn' t do full burpees the first two days I believe. Doing them slower, but with the push up now.

    Running now, have a great race with your boys. :)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,428 Member
    My burpees are pretty funny looking, but I do them anyway...good thing nobody else is in the room! The pause during the squats is killer. What a burn! I just do hands on hips. I'll see tomorrow if I can do the push ups on my toes or not. My arms are pretty sore today. About a year ago I did something dumb... tried to do knee push ups without a pad, and my knees went 'squish.' The doc took me off all exercise for six was brutal. I don't want to do that again, so I'm pretty careful. Since tonight is a rest night for us, I don't know how much I'll do tonight. Maybe I'll just go shopping!!! :happy: