Who's Who is Your Who?



  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    My first Doctor was Sylvester McCoy (who's now a friend of a friend of mine :-)) but my favourite is still X.


    David Tennant spent his whole life dreaming of playing The Doctor and was a total Whovian so that came through in his performance. Heck! He's even gone and married the 5th Doctor's daughter to keep it all in the family... Do you think his step-son (her son) will be a Doctor down the line?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm really warming to XI but it's a job for him rather than an absolute passion.

    Anyone else excited by what they have planned for Clara?
  • KelBelz22
    KelBelz22 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm a recently converted Whovian by a fellow MFP member. I just started Season 2 with David Tennant. But I still love Christopher Eccleston. I would say that he's my favorite. Maybe because he was my first Doctor.
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Yes.... everyone remembers their first ;-)
  • susheetush
    susheetush Posts: 621 Member
    Lol Eccleston was my first too but still NOT my Doctor.

    I am trying to catch up on before the series starts up again, so watched Asylum of the Daleks last night. I cried. :( How sad is that?
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    Lol Eccleston was my first too but still NOT my Doctor.

    I am trying to catch up on before the series starts up again, so watched Asylum of the Daleks last night. I cried. :( How sad is that?

    Eccleston was my first as well, but Tennant is my Doctor.

    Not sad at all crying. I was not happy at the end of that episode. We just got all caught up a couple of days ago. If you are not there yet, just have tissues at the ready.
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    That was an awesome episode... like it a lot. Didn't like the other eps as much... or at least, not until The Angels Take Manhattan. I felt the other three could have been Star Trek episodes and no one would have noticed the difference LOL