Keto killed my habitual overeating

366to266 Posts: 473 Member
I am finding it AMAZING that I am so different on a high fat diet.

I was for decades a compulsive, emotional, comfort eater-snacker-picker-overeater (that is why I had BMI of over 64) but since I started eating high fat my appetite is so small it's ridiculous!

Today I only ate a tiny bit of gammon and soup, a total of 82 calories for breakfast and my hunger was quelled. I had to more or less force myself to eat "something" at lunch or my calories and fat would have been scandalously low for the day. I had chicken breast in home made mayonnaise with bell pepper, and was picking at it in a very lackadaisical manner.

Just a few months ago I could not stop eating. Toast then chocolate then crisps then pastries then buns then pasta then pizza then rice and sugary Chinese takeways... then chocolate ... and I was NEVER, ever satisfied. I seriously thought I had a mental disorder.

At 5ft 3 and 371 pounds I was just weeks away from becoming one of those bed-bound morbidly obese people you see on TV documentaries.

If I had a mental disorder - where is it now? If I was a compulsive eater, where did that compulsion go? If I was just a greedy pig, where did that porcine person go?

I am eating according to my appetite, and generally only want two meals a day. I have no appetite for more, nor for any snacks or junk or sugar or wheat. I went to the bother of getting snacks ready but rarely have one. Well, actually, if I DO have a snack, it takes the place of a meal!

When I tried to keep to 1500 calories on low fat, low calorie, I just couldn't, because I was picking and snacking all day long. AND I went to bed hungry. Now I have a meal in late morning and another on the early evening, say about 5 or 6, and that is the lot - I simply don't have any appetite after about 6pm so I don't eat until 9 or even 12noon the next day. Natural fasting rather than deliberate.

It's really quite amusing that I currently ADD fats to my foods to try to get UP to 1800 calories.

Amusing, and yet astonishing!

I constantly think about others trapped in morbid obesity.

How many of those overeating bedbound people could we cure with keto?

How many of those attending Overeater Anonymous could we cure with keto?

How can we reach out and educate?


  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    i know exactly what you mean.At 301 lbs i just couldnt stuff my face enough.Though i initially lost 55 lbs on a high carb diet,keto was where i really got comfortable.And keto is used to treat so many cases already even depression.I almost feel guilty like i am cheating or something losing weight so fast while other suffer!
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    .I almost feel guilty like i am cheating or something losing weight so fast while other suffer!

    I know exactly what you mean, too. I made a new friend recently who is doing it the hard way - starvation, high carb, low fat, and too much exercise in order to burn off all those carbs. I could not help presenting keto to him in terms of "Why make it so hard for yourself? Do it our way and you will find it easier" I have a theory that if he went keto he could give up the punishing over-exercise AND lost more weight.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Have you stolen my mouth as you are speakin my exact words??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am having to try so hard to sit here as I keep wanting to leap up and down with the excitement of it all, the great feeling of well being and the relief of not thinking "what can I eat now? why am I so greedy" all day!!! So wonderful!!!! Thanks for post!!
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Hey Ruth :-)

    But what can we do to help those still trapped in the prison of habitual overeating, feeling out of control and helpless?
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I do tell people. But, they don't want to hear it. They don't believe they could ever give up bread, potatoes, cereal, cookies, cake, whatever. They'll say stuff like, "I could never have the willpower to give that up." Then they tell me what amazing willpower I have. I try to tell them that they only need a lot of willpower for 3-4 days and then it's amazing. They don't believe me. And, then they'll start spouting about how bad fat is for you. It breaks my heart.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Oh my goodness yet again my thoughts and experiences exactly Laura!! It's so frudstrating when people almost laugh at us while eating all the wrong so called healthy foods. That's why I'm finding fellow ketoers and their support so exciting!! Yes I wish we could help fellow addicts see the light!!!