The viscous circle of junk

StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
So I haven't overeaten for probably 6 months or so... until this week...

For me the thing that started it off was getting out of my usual clean eating (when I say clean I mean, everything homecooked, nothing processed, I don't mean no sugar as I incoporate homebaked cookies and cakes into my daily calorie allowance when I want them).

I started eating a bit of junk because I "didn't have time" to eat properly and from there it has spiralled out of control.

For me, I feel like eating junk makes me high/ crash and require more junk. It makes me depressed, which makes me want junk, it makes me not want to exercise, it just destroys all the good things I have worked hard for.

So I'm pretty much going to be spending this weekend planning out every meal and snack for next week to get myself back on the clean eating bandwagon.

This was such a wake-up call as I thought I was over my bingeing, turns out it was always there in the background waiting for a chance to get back in my head.

At least I know for the future!

Hope all of you are coping better than me this week!



  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Good luck!

    I was doing so well eating nice and clean too but for about a week now have been stuck on this stupid junk food crash. Ugh.

    I think planning meals is the way to go. Thanks for the idea!