Easting out - I blew it!

366to266 Posts: 473 Member
Sorry that should say eating out LOL

Went out for an Indian meal for International Women's Day. Had it all planned out after looking at the menu online.

Resisting the temptations was HARD! No starter, mixed tandoori grill and salad and poppadom for main and no dessert no rice no nan no drink just water. I felt a bit of a freak.

At the end of the meal they brought us slices of fresh orange. I still didn't crack.

Then they brought complimentary chocolates. Still I held firm!

Then they brought complimentary shot of Bailey's, with extra cream on top. I cracked, ladies! No alcohol for 6 months and I blew it. Gawd knows what the carb count of that lot was. I guestimated the food at 50 carbs, and the Bailey's was on the fatsecret list as 7.5.


  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Tomorrow's another day . .. . and its not International Womens Day for a whole year so never mind! I so nearly had a vodka this evening!