131lbs to 124lbs in 2 weeks... Doable??

Boffingirl_ Posts: 4 Member
Hi ladies

I've just seen this group and loving the posts I've ready already!

I've been a member of myfitness pal for a few months but due to studying for exams I've not concentrated on nutrition or fitness and have gained about 7lbs!

I've got a big night out coming up in 2 weeks today where like we all do I want to feel and looks best!
My game plan is.... 1500 calories a day to eat and 500 calories a day to burn....

I'm 5"9 and 131 at the moment and would like to lose in total 7lbs, hopefully in 2 weeks but if not hey I tried!

My clothes are tight at the moment I'm naturally a bit smaller framed so feel uncomfortable at the moment and want to fit in my jeans again.

I'm hoping the first week will show about a 4lb loss with some of that being water retention and then the next week 2-3lb.

Have any of you guys achieved this or what successes do you think I can expect I'm this amount of time??!

Will report back next Saturday with an update!

Here goes girls! :)


  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    To be honest, I doubt that one can lose this much weight in 2 weeks, especially if he/she is already pretty skinny. Since you didn't gain those 7 pounds in a week, I would assume most of them do not come from water weight or stuff still sitting in your intestines. As we all know, to get rid of one pound of fat a week you need a deficit of 3500 calories. You want to lose six pounds, which amounts to 21,000 calories deficit, which is 1500 per day. Someone with your stats needs about 2000 to maintain, which means that you will have to restrict yourself to 500 calories a day. If you do that, however, there is a chance that you body will rebell and hold on to those extra pounds for dear life. Even if you exercise intensively twice a day (maintenance calories go up to 2400), you'll still be under 1000 calories. My most optimistic guesstimate will be a loss of about 4lbs.