Day 62 ... March 9 Check in ..

Hello everyone !! It's 9 :15 pm & I just got back from walking my dog ..
1/2 hr .. 1.2 Miles // 120 calories ..

Guess no one checked in today ..

I have been really busy which us no excuse , went skating thurs night but didn't do my excercise Friday .. And took my dog out at 8:30 pm!! Lol

Well I know for me .. This group does motivate me alot more than before I joined it !!

Hope everyone is doing well !!


  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    I worked out this morning but then got busy and didn't check in. It's 12:16AM now so I didn't even get checked in on the right day. LOL

    Anyway I did C25K for 31 min + Total Body Workout for 20 min + re-organized my storage area in the basement and moved lots & lots of heavy totes and boxes around for 45 minutes (well probably more than that even. It was a mess!!). Anyway my total I logged for the day was 96 minutes.

    Hope everyone had a good Saturday and hope they have a Blessed Sunday.

    Heading to bed soon so I can get up and do it all over again :smile:
  • iconnor
    iconnor Posts: 90 Member
    same! did about an hour on the treadmill but jogged it about half the tine, so i'm proud of myself for doing it and not quitting! also, for bonus, I walked the dog outside, beautiful day!