Memorial Day Low Carb Weight Loss Challenge - Week 3



  • bethierose
    bethierose Posts: 66 Member
    Let's see.. my weight this week was 345.3.. a loss of 1.8 pounds.

    My challenges this week are that I really want to stuff my face with emotional eating, PMS, and more emotional eating. I am really going to fight against it, but I say that as I sit with a medium sized piece of chocolate cake. sigh....

    My successes this week are that I am getting my water! YAY! And now that it'll be light later, I'm going to try and walk a little in the neighborhood and/or rake my yard. :) Maybe that will cut the emotional eating some... **fingers crossed**

    Fantastic job bethierose!!!! Huge pat on the back!

    How's your handle on emotional eating going? Me, I decided to keep sugar free gum EVERYWHERE...and I mean everywhere. My first plan of action, when the desire to eat hits, is to change location and activity. If it still persists, I reach for the gum and am finding that is helping.

    welllll.. not as well as I thought it would go. I was treated to my weakness on Tuesday (Mexican) by my friend, and I did well for dinner, but didn't do as well avoiding the chips. or the strawberry daiquiri. whoops! Wednesday went a little better, but today I am totally back on plan! so YAY! Sugar free gum sounds like a really great plan. gotta get some more for those moments where I'm feeling a little weak! thanks for the idea!
  • bethierose
    bethierose Posts: 66 Member
    Weigh-in: 184! Down 2 pounds from last week!

    GREAT job!!
  • BlessedWith3
    Congrats Strawmama! The stall has been broken!

    Welcome to our newest challengers Citrislazer and virtualjunkyard
  • BlessedWith3
    Let's see.. my weight this week was 345.3.. a loss of 1.8 pounds.

    My challenges this week are that I really want to stuff my face with emotional eating, PMS, and more emotional eating. I am really going to fight against it, but I say that as I sit with a medium sized piece of chocolate cake. sigh....

    My successes this week are that I am getting my water! YAY! And now that it'll be light later, I'm going to try and walk a little in the neighborhood and/or rake my yard. :) Maybe that will cut the emotional eating some... **fingers crossed**

    Fantastic job bethierose!!!! Huge pat on the back!

    How's your handle on emotional eating going? Me, I decided to keep sugar free gum EVERYWHERE...and I mean everywhere. My first plan of action, when the desire to eat hits, is to change location and activity. If it still persists, I reach for the gum and am finding that is helping.

    welllll.. not as well as I thought it would go. I was treated to my weakness on Tuesday (Mexican) by my friend, and I did well for dinner, but didn't do as well avoiding the chips. or the strawberry daiquiri. whoops! Wednesday went a little better, but today I am totally back on plan! so YAY! Sugar free gum sounds like a really great plan. gotta get some more for those moments where I'm feeling a little weak! thanks for the idea!

    But you didn't throw in the towel, so bravo to you! If you forget the rum and sugar it was a pretty healthy beveerage :laugh:
  • virtualjunkyard
    virtualjunkyard Posts: 17 Member
    Checking in...SW-248 CW-246 2 lbs lost this week! That is .80% This is fun!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I love a challenge!

    My staring weight from this week is 209.8 lbs. I weigh in on friday. Good luck all!
  • BlessedWith3
    Well done Virtualjunkyard!

    Welcome deviv2! Congrats on your success to date!!!
  • River__Song
    River__Song Posts: 126 Member
    Hi. I joined the group today. My starting weight for this challenge is 370.
  • daddybyday
    Oops, I thought I posted this. My SW is 313.5, on 3/11/13. I'll weigh in and post my first week's results tomorrow. :-)


  • daddybyday
    Made a mistake on my starting weight: it was really 313.2.

    Weighed in today at at 304.4. Total weight lost this week: 8.8 (gotta love that first week of induction, eh) :wink:

    That makes my ratio, if I'm doing this right: 304.4/313.2 = 97.19

    I'll weigh in next week.

  • bethierose
    bethierose Posts: 66 Member
    Made a mistake on my starting weight: it was really 313.2.

    Weighed in today at at 304.4. Total weight lost this week: 8.8 (gotta love that first week of induction, eh) :wink:

    That makes my ratio, if I'm doing this right: 304.4/313.2 = 97.19

    I'll weigh in next week.


    I think your percentage lost was 2.81%.. :)
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Alright guys, I'm 3 weeks in to my current mini challenge. My first 4 week challenge went from Jan 28 to Feb 24. Started this one on Feb 25 and it ends this sunday on Mar 24. A few of the things that have occurred during the first 3 weeks.

    - I finished Power90 Phase 1-2 on Feb 3 and started Phase 3-4 on Feb 4
    - My wife bought me a medium sized polo shirt and it fits comfortably!
    - I spent a week in the Rio Grande Valley at the University of Texas, Pan-American
    - I got my new Bodylastics resistance bands .... holy moly! I'm sore right now, they make a big difference

    As usual, I'm not weighing or measuring myself until the end of my week 4 (this coming sunday).