HIIT vs. long cardio session?

KWNurse Posts: 45 Member
What are your thoughts on HIIT vs long cardio session ( upto 1hr)?

I am 37 and have lost 30lbs in 10 months. I log everything and measure and weigh as much as feasibly possible. I average around 1800-1900 cal per day and my TDEE is estimated to be 2200. My macros usually fall at 25-30% protein, 30-35% fat and the rest carbs. I am 5'4. Starting weight was 172 current weight 142. I lift 4 days a week and was typically doing at least a 20-30 min cardio session before each lift session consisting of cycling, running or the arc trainer at the gym with one session substituted with a 45 min cycling session or 3-4 mile run.

Here is my dilemma... I have lost weight and over 12 inches and over 6% bodyfat (US Navy). I went from a size 14 to a 6 or 8, however, I can't seem to tap into the stored fat around my hips (widest part). It has always been my problem area and in total I have only lost 2.5 inches there. Whereas my waist is down 5 inches.

This week I tested my TDEE and ate approx 2300 cal per day with the same exercise and maintained my weight. I am thinking it is time to change my cardio, but I feel that is how I will tap into that stored fat that just won't budge around my derrière. Are 15-20 min HIIT sessions gonna tap in or do I alternate lift days with long cardio sessions?

Any advice would be appreciated. Beth


  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    I have no advice, but I'll be watching this thread as I'm 5'4" and carry my weight the same place...lol.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    Dang you lost 5 in your waist and you STILL got a booty? Maybe I should do what you're doing. :)

    In all seriousness, I think you could keep doing what you're doing, but bump up the protein a bit to like, 30% at least. More protein helps maintain/increase muscle, which burns more fat.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Sorry to break the news but no matter what you do, your body is going to take fat from where it wants.. so doing HIIT or extended cardio sessions isn't going to change where it takes from... Just eating correctly with good macro's will keep you losing, and eventually it will take fat from those areas.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    HIIT is lifting for cardio exercise, if done correctly, which it rarely seems to be.

    It is the suggestion for those that ONLY want to do cardio, no lifting.

    It produces the same side effects as lifting because that is basically what it is.

    6-10 short all out anaerobic efforts with brief rest period. Effect is micro-tears, rebuild stronger, if eating enough build more. Burns more fat during recovery.

    All the same things lifting does. But to help you get stronger for your cardio sport.

    But if you are doing real lifting, would you lift the same muscles every day? No way. You'd be lifting on tired muscle and not getting full benefit from the lift, and what you did get would be ruined by lifting the next day.

    So if lifting, skip the HIIT using the same muscles. Or accept the fact you can't do either best trying to do both together.

    If lifting 3 x weekly full body, there is no where to put a HIIT routine without impacting the lifting.