Horrible online profiles.



  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    In some 'PUA' related thing (I suspect it was 'the game', as reading that's about the limit of my involvement with such) I can remember someone saying the 'quality' of women contacting them positively improved when they listed, honestly "I'm looking for athletic, young women, no kids looking for a good time" or something . They got some snotty emails from ones that weren't, but, the ones that did match were happy enough with their situation and people straight-talking.

    I wrote a little more in a later post about the words chosen in a message versus the actual message being conveyed. The part about what the person is looking for in your bolded example above seems fine to me. However, if the message was actually written as "I think athletic women are hot and I hate kids. If you're fat or have trophies from some past relationship, don't bother me." is what was written, I can imagine that many women who were not put off by the first message would be put off by the second. In that sense, it's a horrible profile.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I can imagine that many women who were not put off by the first message would be put off by the second. In that sense, it's a horrible profile.
    Ah, but then the question is - would they want this kind of woman (or man in the original example)?

    That is precisely why I haven't written anything such - as I don't want to be seen as 'mean', which I don't consider myself to be.

    I've seen people incredibly offended by people saying some along the lines of "I only want someone with white skin" - but if someone only finds them attracted to that sort of person, seems a sensible thing to write.
    Of course, there the presumed sub-text is "I think people who don't have white skin are a sub-class". But then, I suspect someone who writes that sort of things in their profile probably won't get on too well long term with anyone that dislikes it; so actually it'll work nicely as a pre-selection!