Changing your last name .....



  • bbtano
    bbtano Posts: 42
    Thanks for all the tips on changing names!
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    I am changing my name, but it is a little bittersweet. My last name is pretty well known where I work, since my parents have both worked there but I am still changing mine. It will be very weird not writting out my mile long last name and going to a four letter last name LOL :)

    Gardenhire --> Hart
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    I'll be changing my last name which makes me a little sad. There is only 1 male cousin to carry the name on even though my dad is 1 of 4 boys. Its pretty unique in most of Canada and people always butcher it (french spelling causes people to pronounce every letter instead of the french way). I've been practicing my signature and I don't like the new one because my name will be short so I have to write the whole thing whereas now I write E. G with a squiggle. *sigh* Oh the problems... :)

    I'll go from Guitard (pronounced Guitar - like the instrument) to Kelly.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I'm changing my last name because it's tradition. I don't really care either way. Honestly, If I could chose to change something, I would change my first name. x.x I'm so over it. I will NEVER name my child so unique and so obnoxious. I hate telling people my name because all they do is ooh and aah over it so many damn times it's ridiculous. I'm glad people think it's cute, but damn, hearing about it for 23 years gets a little much. Anyway, I'll be changing my last name.

    Barger > Nicholls

    My first name also doesn't flow well with the last name, IMO. x.x
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    The first name subject -- I gotta chime in on this.

    Regarding my first name. As a child, known as a nickname and yes, there's a few family members who still call me my nickname. Professionally, the nickname, well, who is going to take a Barbie seriously -- (unless you work for Mattel Toy company.)

    When my children were born, I was very specific on selecting names that were not unique, different or trendy.
    And I ensured I called my children by their name - no nickname.
    So, there's a Kimberly, Natalie and Matthew. No Kimmy - no Natie - no Matt.

    My oldest gets to school -- her kindergarten teacher began to call her Kimmy.
    My youngests goes to school -- is called Matt.

    Go figure -- not my intent!
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    I'm changing my last name because it's tradition. I don't really care either way. Honestly, If I could chose to change something, I would change my first name. x.x I'm so over it. I will NEVER name my child so unique and so obnoxious. I hate telling people my name because all they do is ooh and aah over it so many damn times it's ridiculous. I'm glad people think it's cute, but damn, hearing about it for 23 years gets a little much. Anyway, I'll be changing my last name.

    Barger > Nicholls

    My first name also doesn't flow well with the last name, IMO. x.x

    Now you've got me curious...
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I'm changing my last name because it's tradition. I don't really care either way. Honestly, If I could chose to change something, I would change my first name. x.x I'm so over it. I will NEVER name my child so unique and so obnoxious. I hate telling people my name because all they do is ooh and aah over it so many damn times it's ridiculous. I'm glad people think it's cute, but damn, hearing about it for 23 years gets a little much. Anyway, I'll be changing my last name.

    Barger > Nicholls

    My first name also doesn't flow well with the last name, IMO. x.x

    Now you've got me curious...

    It's French and means I love you. 'nuff said. >.>