Why do we need Fiber?

Fiber is an important part of the digestive process from start to finish. It slows digestion and absorption which keeps blood sugar levels at a more even level. Fiber makes food more satisfying. It makes contents of the stomach bulkier so they stay there longer, contributing to a "full" feeling, which in turn can prevent overeating and obesity.

Only plants produce Fiber. You cannot find it in animal products. The best food sources of Fiber are Whole Grain Breads, Cereals, Pastas, Brown Rice, Nuts/Seeds, Legumes, Fruits & Vegetables.


*The American Dietetic Association recommends we consume 20-35 grams of Fiber every day.

*Most Americans get less than half of the recommended amount of Fiber.

*When possible, choose whole fruits & vegetables instead of juices, which have virtually zero Fiber.

*When choosing grains, always look for the word "Whole" in the list of ingredients.

***I got this info off the Millville Frosted Shredded Wheat cereal box***