Thyroid Problem

kyoung1908 Posts: 405 Member
Today I went to the doctor my annual visit and she ordered blood work to be done to check my thyroid. I wonder if this is contributing to my weight gain? Does anyone else have problems with their thyroid?


  • MsWare926
    MsWare926 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi K,

    I was tested for thyroid issues and fortunately there were none...but my coworker/workout buddy does have issues with hers. Its a little harder for her to lose weight and she has to make sure she eats a lot of natural made foods compared to processed ones. She also told me she can only eat meat if the animal was grass fed. Hope this helps and I hope all goes well with your test results!
  • ezBrizy
    ezBrizy Posts: 131 Member

    I have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) which has a major impact on weight gain/loss, metabolism, and a host of other things. Before I was diagnosed , my weight ballooned and I was very lethargic. When I started seeing an endocrinologist and got my levels balanced my weight gain slowed and it was easier to shed some pounds. There's a lot more to it than meds though. You have to watch what and when you eat and the supplements you take. I found that an Endo was able to help me with more of the detailed stuff than a GP.

    Hopefully you won't have any problems but if you do there's a lot of helpful groups on here for those with thyroid issues.
  • AlexisThayne
    I have been hypothyroid since I was 13 years old.....I went off my meds after college because I changed doctors and they were hesitant to prescribe then for me...BIG MISTAKE! health declined slowly as weight and depression overwhelmed me.

    I finally went to a specialist who couldn't believe I had not be giving a prescription sooner. I have been on the right dosage of Armor Thyroid for about a year now. I am a totally different person....more energy...the weight is finally coming off because I have the energy to work out. It changed my life......not to mention that its vital if you are hypothyroid to be taking your meds or it can have some pretty scary long term effects.

    In my experience a ENDO specialist will know a lot more about HT then a General Practitioner. There test are more in depth and not generalized.....just an FYI :smile:

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks so much everyone. I'm still waiting on my test results. From reading everyone replies it sounds as if I need to see a specialist.
  • radiantrox
    radiantrox Posts: 34 Member
    I can relate to Alexis: I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 15 and it has definitely affected my weight and metabolism. Definitely talk to your doctor and a specialist, also don't settle for the medicine they prescribe you initially. Make sure it's actually the right brand/dosage for you. Like Alexis, I too made the mistake of stopping my medicine (Levothyroxine) and my body/emotions took a big hit. I'm back on track with taking my medicine consistently, eating a clean diet, and exercising daily and the weight is (slowly) coming off. Having a thyroid condition forces one to be more patient and work harder toward attaining health and fitness goals because it's not easy and the weight does not always come off quickly.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I am hypo too. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago. I was feeling a little off in the months prior, and had gained a bit of weight in the months leading up to my diagnosis. In retrospect, I have probably been hypo for 10 years or more.

    Now it has been up and down for me. Last year things were going great with my weight loss, and my energy levels were near normal. Then I upped my dose, and at the same time I switched to the generic medicine. It didn't work out and it ended up being a downward spiral. I ended up losing steam and gaining back ~17 of the 49 I lost. I just got new blood work last week, and now I am on the same dose of the synthroid. It has been a week, and things are feeling much better. I am trying to get on track and the scale seems to be moving again.

    As for dietary changes? I haven't made many. But I have been eating fairly clean for about the last 8 years or so. I am not 100% clean. But I do generally eat minimally processed (I do eat occasional fast food. And chocolate bars. :D) But on the whole my eating habits are fine.

    At the moment I am doing an experiment on gluten free and zero added sugars. It has been about a week, and I have had a few slipups (I went wheat and sweat crazy on saturday) and I had some wheat today. I didn't clear my pantry of gluten. But to be honest, I don't think it is doing anything. But I'll keep testing it out.

    I definitely feel like my weight loss is super slow. My sister seems to be way more successful with little changes. For me, I have found that I have to work really hard with exercise and counting calories to see even little improvements. I am jealous of the people who lose easily.

    I am just trying to focus on changes that I can maintain.

    Good luck!

    There is also a hypo group here on MFP.
  • joyjay4fun
    joyjay4fun Posts: 160
    Hi all,
    I also have thyroid issues. I haven't reached med level yet but i am under 6 month monitoring so labs and untrasounds twice a year. I always knew I had the thyroid issues but it wasnt until 2011 when it became a problem. I gained about 20 pounds in a 3 month period and hadnt changed my eating habits or anything so thats when they started following me and monitoring it. I was good until this year when I gained another 20 in about 4 months (but I think some of that was stress to with moving from the states to Turkey with my daughters for work) and so that is why i got back on MFP to start trying to change what I could. I also have anemia so Im super tired a lot on top of the crazy weight issues. Hopefully you wont have to deal with any of this and all youre tests will come out great. If you do though sounds like there are plenty of us in this group to talk with whenever youre having issues. :-)
  • k_aLLyN
    k_aLLyN Posts: 9
    I have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed in October. I originally suspected that I was hypo when I was 19, but my levels were normal at that time. Then I changed doctors and my lab results were "slightly" hypo. Finally in October, I was diagnosed & my doctor prescribed 50 mcg of Levothyroxine. My Vitamin D levels were also extremely low. I take my thyroid meds faithfully but unfortunately I am not doing so well with taking the Vitamin D. Since September I've lost 25 lbs (I was doing Weight Watchers prior to joining MFP). It's coming off slowly, but I'm super thankful for the diagnosis because before that my weight loss was at an absolute standstill. If you think you have hypothyroidism, please seek another doctor. That's what it took for me to finally get a diagnosis.