20 somethings?

Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
Hello, just joined and i'm looking for people around my age (23) who are trying to eat a little more. I only ask for people in there 20's because I feel we can relate more being in the same stage of life.

I'm having a lot of trouble finding anyone around my age who eats more though. I added a bunch of people who seemed like they were doing it the healthy way then started looking at diary's and most eat 800-1300 TOTAL a day and then exercise. Not NET, TOTAL! I can't eat like that!

It makes me feel kinda like a pig when I'm surrounded by people eating so little. Very discouraging. I just can't function eating less than 1,500 total a day. My brain gets all cloudy, I can't think, i'm tired, irritable and moody. I also have a terrible Binge/Purge habit that i'm trying to kick and all this guilt it's helping! Trying to repair my body from 8 years of "diet" abuse.


  • ItsDiana
    ItsDiana Posts: 60
    Heya! I'm also 23. I've just started this 'eat more to weigh less' and it's kind of difficult for me. Feels like I'm over eating!
  • I'm 23 too! i've been doing EM2WL since mid january and have had great results. But now that I'm on my exercise/diet break I'm finding it hard to shovel in all these calories! But I know it's worth it for a healthy metabolism and body so I eat as cleanly as possible (Paleo) and keep eating lol. Good luck!
  • MrsCJ1
    MrsCJ1 Posts: 77
    Hello! I'm 24 and would love some "20 something" friends who EM2WL! :smile: Feel free to add me!
  • christadiehl
    christadiehl Posts: 15 Member
    Hey guys! I'm 26 and have never really done the low cal way, never had the dicipline! Resigned myself to just continue exercising and hoping something would happen. Anyhow, found this group, figured out the correct amount (which was easily doable for each day!) and haven't looked back. Feel free to add me.

    Quick side note, I track on my phone as well, as I don't always have internet access. I hit 1800 cals a day MINIMUM, even if not reflected on my tracker here...so don't let my lack of food details deter you :) Can't keep me from my food!! I'm usually over anyhow, so no worries about not eating enough!
  • lacaro1
    lacaro1 Posts: 81 Member
    hey guys, 21 here;)
    also just came across this group and giving it a try! are you upping calories slowly or jumping right into it?
    I upped mine from 1200 to 1500 (TDEE of 1700 to 2000 depending on calculator) one week ago and already gained 1kg/2 lbs (could also be a gain from starting to take the pill). did anyone of you girls experience weight gain so far?
    and btw feel free to add me;)
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I'm 26 and have been doing EM2WL since July 2012. Anyone can add me! Just include a message so I know you EAT food like a human. :happy:
  • kurli05
    kurli05 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 26 and just started EM2LW.
  • ItsDiana
    ItsDiana Posts: 60
    Anyone else finding it hard to up the calorie intake? I'm trying really hard, and sometimes I succeed, but other times I just don' feel like eating more than about 1300/1400 cals...
  • I jumped right in to EM2WL TDEE- 15% without a reset, so this diet/exercise break I am doing right now is the first time I've ever eaten at TDEE. And although my "desk job and lightly active" TDEE I am using on this break gives me about 130 calories less to eat each day than I would had I been doing my regular exercise routine, I am finding it really hard to eat all this stuff! I guess exercise, especially lifting, really revs up your appetite. So I am relying on nuts, coconut products, and avocados to get to my daily calorie goals.
  • MrsCJ1
    MrsCJ1 Posts: 77
    Hi everyone. I can relate..upping cals is difficult. I think for me it is more of a mental thing...my fear of weight gain. But...im trying to get stronger and want to reach an optimum fitness level so im letting that be my goal. Its so nice to see so many other 20 somethings working towards the same goal of a healthy lifestyle. Feel free to add me if you havent already!
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    hey guys, 21 here;)
    also just came across this group and giving it a try! are you upping calories slowly or jumping right into it?
    I upped mine from 1200 to 1500 (TDEE of 1700 to 2000 depending on calculator) one week ago and already gained 1kg/2 lbs (could also be a gain from starting to take the pill). did anyone of you girls experience weight gain so far?
    and btw feel free to add me;)

    It's only been a few days for me. I was aiming for 1,200-1,300 now I have my goal set to 1,500. I'm really confused about this so I just make sure my NET is never below my BMR (1450). I eat 1600-2,000 a day. I just went right into it, it wasn't hard for me because I was bingeing all the time on only 1,200. I would easily eat 1000+ calories in 30 minutes while bingeing.
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    Anyone else finding it hard to up the calorie intake? I'm trying really hard, and sometimes I succeed, but other times I just don' feel like eating more than about 1300/1400 cals...

    Not really. I eat a lot of peanut butter, almonds, oats, pasta. Things high in calories. 1c cooked pasta is 200 calories. add chicken and sauce and your at least 350. Oats with almonds and a banana =450 calories. Just make small high calorie meals.
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    I jumped right in to EM2WL TDEE- 15% without a reset, so this diet/exercise break I am doing right now is the first time I've ever eaten at TDEE. And although my "desk job and lightly active" TDEE I am using on this break gives me about 130 calories less to eat each day than I would had I been doing my regular exercise routine, I am finding it really hard to eat all this stuff! I guess exercise, especially lifting, really revs up your appetite. So I am relying on nuts, coconut products, and avocados to get to my daily calorie goals.

    Avocados! That is what I forgot for my grilled pita sandwich tomorrow!!! I need to go back to the store.
  • tsta1350
    tsta1350 Posts: 28
    I've been doing a reset for about two and half months and it has been an interesting journey! Completely understand struggling to eat more! But you get used to it. I eased my way it, cos when I started (and used to eating 1200 a day) the idea of eating 2200 calories was just ridiculous! But now I'm very much used to it. It definitely is psychological, it's such a habit to order the lowest calorie meal on the menu and always be trying to give myself small portions, but you do get used to it. Just eat more regularly and like others have said, eat more nuts (80g is like 450 calories! I aim to eat this much spread out over the course of the day). And if I'm honest I have started letting myself eat 'treat' foods such as a chocolate bar every now and then..

    Anyway just wanted to write and say keep going! Pretty soon you will be hungry again and your metabolism will be moving (I know I am now!)

    BTW I'm 24 also..
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I'm twenty one, and to be honest, my intake's been all over the place over the last few months. I'm recovering from purging type anorexia, but started binging four months ago, so I'm trying to tackle the binging now too. Seems like my tdee isn't 2000, but actually around 2250, I'm now aiming to eat around 1800-1900 calories, with one treat day a week:). It takes alot of getting used to, but it is possible to lose eating more, eat how you plan to eat at your goal weight:) xx
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I would love EM2WL friends in their 20s!!

    I'm 23. I just stated. not feeling awesome about it. but going to stick with it.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Hi there! 24 yo English student, currently on 1800 cals a day so I guess that's eating more to lose weight! I was on 1200 before but found it impossible and was just starving all the time, it seemed so silly to continue and completely unsustainable! I'm trying to lose weight by exercise, eating more healthily but ultimately not denying myself anything either, just trying to learn portion control!

    I've just started the Stronglifts 5x5 program so hopefully will see some results with that soon!

    Feel free to add me, i have a feeling i've added you all anyway :)
  • lilkat_0087
    lilkat_0087 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I'm 25 and just started EM2WL this week. Inches and weight hasn't really budged since Dec 2012 on 1500 so I've upped my intake to 1843 (TDEE-15%). I'd love to have people who actually eat so I can stop worrying about gaining!