stir fryed nappa

MissySchwab Posts: 529 Member
nappa cabbage cut in bite sized pieces
oyster sauce
1/4 cup water
pinch of salt
pinch of pepper

saute nappa in 2 tbsp water till tender add pinch of salt and pepper and about 1 tbsp on sauce for every 1/4 of a head of nappa add 1 tbsp 3 tbsp of water to make saucy and serve.


  • Congrats on your report being under calories! What is Oyster Sauce? I assume it's something you buy from the store rather than make on your own. Does it have wheat in it--or do you know? And if not, what section of the store would I look for it? THANKS
  • MissySchwab
    MissySchwab Posts: 529 Member
    it is fish sauce and in the asian food section and yes unfortunately it does have wheat in it but I know they make a gluten free version with tapioca starch .I can't remember the name of it thou I just threw away the bottle .LOL