Anyone around?

Hi All

Just looking through the groups and saw this one - which is a hobby of mine too - so thought I would say "Hi" and see if anyone was still about in here.

Looking forward to chatting!


  • dukslayer4051
    dukslayer4051 Posts: 66 Member
    Yep...welcome! Nice to see new people! The season is just around the corner too...i cant wait!
  • jigsaw_gd
    jigsaw_gd Posts: 30
    I'm in Australia and actually the state I'm in doesn't have "seasons" - there are just things we can hunt (rabbits / foxes / goats / pigs) and things we can't or we're restricted under various licences (roos / emus).
  • Hi--I'm around but there aren't many hunting or fishing groups to join in here. I don't know what season Dukslayer was talking about, turkey maybe? Starts May 1 here in upstate NY. Our coyote season ends March 31, fox, squirrel (except red squirrel) ended Feb 15. THANKFULLY we don't have pigs yet here (and the only goats we have are pets!) Nothing to do but fish... LOL

    Have a good day!
  • jigsaw_gd
    jigsaw_gd Posts: 30
    Hi Cherie ... Great to see you on here.

    I'm betting pet goats taste as good as wild ones :) I love goat hunting and goat meat! Funnily enough I don't fish. I've got nothing against it, I just don't do it .. I do live quite a distance from the ocean or anywhere else you can fish so maybe that's why!
  • I just can't get myself to try goat meat. Give me an idea of what it tastes like. Once in awhile I go to a delicious Indian restaurant and they serve a goat masala dish. I may just have to taste it next time! We live around several lakes--the Finger Lakes and the Great Lakes so fishing is a big part of our summer. Do you shoot trap or skeet?

    Have a good day!