What're you eating?!

I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone's food goals are.

I am eating net of 1200 calories and eating back exersise calories puts me at eating about 1600 calories a day. My macros are set at 40/30/30. So far so good! Normally I go a little (sometimes a lot) over on carbs and don't get quite as much fat as I would like. But I'm still seeing good results!

What do you eat? Calories, macros, do you eat exercise calories, do you eat low carb, closely monitor sugar? I know this is discussed regularly on the boards but I find it to be the same people arguing on there!! Thought this would be a good place to hear from some women with similar goals!! :)


  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    Hey! I eat a net of 1100 calories! Including exercise calories, that would make it about 1400 calories! Depends on how much I burn everyday! I am on a low carb and high protein diet and the carbs I do eat I make sure they are fibre rich! :) I have PCOS so this diet seems to work the best for me! :) I eat half of my exercise calories back! I monitor sugar religiously! Sugar makes me bloat like a damn balloon lol
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I am older and past menopause, and 1000 calories a day seems to work for me. I have always had a slow metabolism, even when I was at my fittest. Which my dr knows this, so she is fine with it as long as I am not starving, which I'm not. I eat a lot of food. I am just not a big eater. My problem has never been how much I ate, but what I ate. Plus I drank about 500-600 calories a day in coke. I also wasn't big on working out. I quit the coke and am eating a lot healthier. Plus drinking the water and I am never hungry anymore. I do try to eat more on the weight lifting days, like have peanut butter with my apple as a snack. I find when I do that though then I don't eat as much dinner. I am still working on that. Normally I am not much of a carb eater, so I lowered my carbs and fat and raised my protein. I am trying to get rid of my belly fat, so I am watching my fat intake.

    I lift weights every other day, and do cardio on the other days. I have a home gym. I don't track my exercise calories. I am thinking of getting a fitbit to help with that. I usually rest on Tuesdays.
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    My eating habits are the worst! Even if I stay in my calorie range my food choices are terrible. I tend to go for convenience--quick and easy, which usually means processed! I really need to work on this.. I hope to improve my eating habits by planning ahead and having fresh food ready and prepared so I can choose it instead. I want to eat more fruits and vegetables and get plenty of protein. I need to drink more water, too, and less coffee! I'm going to miss my coffee!!! I hope to get inspiration from all of you! That's why I joined this group, so let's not let it fizzle out!
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm eating about 1300 to 1600 calories a day - watching carbs but mostly at night and working out about 5 days a week for a least 25min weekdays and 45min weekends :)
  • zoomerrs
    zoomerrs Posts: 21
    I'm doing WW at same time so don't always know calories as I track points, but since I started putting in my food on MFP it looks to be about 1200. Not doing much exercise lately, but intend to rectify that issue. I'll be honest I don't love vegetables or fruit and have to make a conscious effort to include a few servings into my daily intake, I'm way high on carbs (clearly why I always struggle with my weight). I think I too rely too heavily on more quick, processed foods. I never have a problem with drinking water though.
  • Chelsea84m
    Hey guys just joined!!!! Excited and redy to loose. I am eating 1200 calories a day and trying to start exercising 2 days a week!! I figure if I start slow I can work up. I am very serious about this and want to loose this weight before my vacation on June 1st!!
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    Just thought it would be good to check in and see how everyone is doing this weekend. Wednesday weigh-in is coming up quickly. So far I've done okay calorie-wise, still need to exercise more. Weekends are Hard for me so I will probably be checking in a lot today to ready the posts to keep myself motivated. How is everyone else doing?
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    I'm eating 1500 a day, and going to the gym 4 to 6 days a week (either taking a class - for an hour - or learning how to box - a friend is 'training' me)

    Saturdays are my day off from everything, though I still try to eat within my calories. Yesterday was an 'eat everything in the house' kind of day, but overall I've been doing alright.

    I've been trying to eat out less, though I still will indulge, and I've been cutting way back on processed foods.

    I have a hard time making breakfast in the morning during the week, so a lot of the time I opt for a meal bar or shake, which isn't ideal, but keeps me from hitting up the vending machine at work.

    Recently I pulled something in my abdomen, so I've been taking it easy(ish) (still going to classes, but going a little lighter)

    I love Zumba, Body Pump, and Body Combat classes!!

    Also, I generally weigh in Saturday morning
  • hunigirl
    hunigirl Posts: 11
    I starting to eat high protein with lots of good fats. High veg. Not so much fruit but in season and fresh (not dry) Nuts and dairy.
    Logging food and exersice is the best for me as I tend to under eat (I don't have eating issues ) as I have a small appetite. So I need to watch I don't go for foods dense in calories. Protein helps with this. And I tend to under exersice. :)
    I grow a huge veggie garden and we live off that with up to 10+ different herbs and veg a day. So it's easy for me to avoid processed food. Grass feed meatt and eggs help with my allergies and taste great.
    Going with the recommended 1200 cals. Just realised reading all your posts how the app really works. So I'm planning on not eating my exersice cals till I lose the first 10 kilos then will eat them after that. Not sure if that's okay. But will see how that goes.