30DS in actual 30 day timeframe?!?

Ok, I love this DVD and how well it really does its job and would like to keep at it, but potentially at my own pace.

I'm starting to "fear" and feel guilt about now taking a day here or there off, like I'm *wimping out*. I feel like I am trying to kill myself to keep up with the notion of doing the 30DS in an actual 30 day timeframe.

I was super gung-ho when I first got it that I would do 30 in 30. Not the case now, I started seeing my self obessing (im almost concerned I might be slipping into excercise addiction issues) about making time to do it before 'days end' and I am just as busy as the next person I am sure, but I really felt like it was cutting into my personal time with family (I'm a single mom of 3 kids) and friends, not to mention much needed rest for my body.

I started the 30DS on 03/03/13 and did 5 days straight and combining that with a half hour of Zumba most of the nights if I could squeeze it in for extra cardio. Then I took Friday off - so I could visit my friend and relax. Then I did it again Saturday and Sunday, but then I took yesterday off cause I was mentally and physically drained from personal life stuff (ugh- car shopping- its not as fun as I wish it were- totally off topic)

I'm starting to question if I can hang with Jillian Michaels. And I feel like I'm letting myself down. But then I realize all the changes I have effing made since I started this journey.

Not that you asked, but here's my story - short version. I decided in Novemeber 2012 when my best friend (age 35) was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have a double masectomy in January 2013, that I had to make changes. No more smoking, no more eating fast food everyday for every meal, no more being lazy and not moving my body, no more feeling miserable about myself and my life. I realized I'd lost weight before, I can certainly do this again. So I knew it was a matter just doing it. Coincidentially there was a "Govenors Weight Loss Challenge' that was starting for State Employees (which I am) that started with a weigh in Jan 7, 2013. So for the first time in a long time, I got on a scale and looked. 243.9 lbs is what my official weigh in was on 01/07/2013 (5'3" 35 yo). I quit smoking, I changed my eating habits drastically, and did it all the healthy way (granted I'm not eating "clean" yet, but I intend to change that along my journey as well), then a week after I started all of that as if that weren't enough. I have never been a calorie counter chic,....but I saw a tool that I could use call My Fitness Pal, and it had an app on my phone,...you know how it works,...I thought to myself cool, maybe this will help me too. I LOVE MFP. I had zero idea what I was sticking in my mouth and how many calories it had, etc,....now I actually care and am aware and am informed. So I;ve been on here everyday since,..faithfully logging everything and I started with food changes first, then a week later I started excercising, and I have been extremely consistant since I started. I am amazed at how far I've come. And as of today's weigh in I'm 215.0, 28 lbs lost. WHAT THE??!!?? I'm excited and I feel so much better, and best of all I get compliments all the time,...what gal doesn't like that? I dont intend to stop, I have a long way to go. My short term goal is to break out of the 200's into one-derland,....my Ultimate goal is about 140 lbs. I'm serious about this, I am committed,....BUT I DONT WANT TO WEAR MYSELF OUT OR HURT MYSELF IN THE PROCESS.

I don't know what I'm looking for as far as posting this other than to vent to people who might relate,....I'm just feeling overwhelmed with Jillian Michaels guilt that I took a couple of days off and I'm obviously not doing 30 in 30.

*Please be gentle with comments and feedback,....lol I've seen people get torn down on here*


  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Hi there,

    First of all congrats on your progress so far, you're doing great.

    I don't think many people do 30 consecutive days without having a day off. Sometimes life intervenes and you have to take a day off, sometimes you're just so sore you need the rest. The DVD is called 30 day Shred but weight loss and getting healthy is for life, so don't stress if you skip the odd day as long as 1 day doesn't turn into 2 and then into 3 etc. Be disciplined with yourself.

    I did the Shred last year and had around 2 days off out of 30 and I know what you mean about feeling guilty. But I tried to think of how I'd gone from doing zero exercise to doing something that's quite tough and committing to it like that on an almost daily basis.

    Do as much as you can - push yourself, but don't let it take over your life. :smile:
  • You do not have to do it every day! Please let that go! :) Let yourself feel confident that you are committed and doing the best you can, whatever that is!

    I started out planning to do it Mon-Fri and taking the weekends off. I got a little flack for that because some weren't sure I'd be able to go back to it on Monday. Well the first week I ended up doing it Saturday too because I was liking it and I had no reason to not do it. Well about a half hour later my 4 year old started having seizures and we spent the next two nights in the hospital. (He is doing great now.) If I'd ever had a reason to quit, that would have been it, but you know what? I didn't. I missed two days, but the next opportunity I had I did the video again. It was the best I could do and I did it.

    I did four days, and then this past weekend I took Saturday and Sunday off, but I did hike with my dogs so I was doing something. Monday morning I woke up to learn my grandma had fallen Friday night and was not found for over 48 hours. I wanted to drop everything and run to Michigan where she is, but I couldn't. I have done my Shred though. I am stuck here worrying, (she is doing ok) and it's another perfect reason to give up and stop doing the video, but I didn't. I'm just doing the best I can.

    Do not beat yourself up about life. Life happens, things get in the way. Do the best you can. If you have a day where you can get the video in and you make that effort feel proud, if there are days you can't, and your effort has to be spent elsewhere, then you can't. Life is BIG, this little video is SMALL. Do the best you can.

  • I have done a full round of 30DS before and it actually took me 60 days to do it. I still got great results, though not as much weight loss as I would have liked. I keep Sunday as the Sabbath day and don't exercise on that day. I also sometimes can't fit in my regular exercise because my schedule is crazy all the way until bedtime. For example, this Friday I will be going out of town after work. I will not be able to get 30DS in on that day because of that. But we are staying in a hotel with an indoor pool so I will go splash around there with the family for a bit. I do what I can. If I obsess over the exercise or the food, then this isn't any different than any fad diet I ever tried. Instead this is a one-day-at-a-time change that I can maintain for life.

    Thanks for sharing your story!! Very inspiring!
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Hello :)

    First of all, Jillian herself says that you should not work out every day. Her actual recommendation is: shred - shred - cardio - shred - shred - cardio - rest day.

    I didn't even follow that. I took a break app. every 3-4 days and completed the 30DS in 45 days. With great results.

    After that, I started Jillian's Ripped in 30 workout. It took me even longer. The results were even better. (see my pics in the "2nd round Shred" thread)

    Seriously, it's not about finishing the Shred on March 30th. This is so much bigger than the shred... This is about learning to exercise on a regular basis.
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    I am doing the shred on average every other day. Sometimes I do it a few days in a row. But I figure as long as it is every other day then I will see progress over time. Especially if I do something else for exercise the days I don't shred. Just do what you can :)