STS first timer with questions

christadiehl Posts: 15 Member
edited January 17 in Social Groups
Hey everyone! I haven't been active in this group, but I've been lurking for some time now :) I'm new to Cathe, but have several in my FL who follow her with a vengeance, and their collective love for STS convinced me to give it a go. I started Feb. 25th, and just started M1 W3 D1 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps today. Couple of questions for you all, and I apologize if they've been asked before, I'll keep searching in the meantime just in case:

1) When you did your 1RMs, did you track just one single weight, or the total weight used (1 dumbell/plate or both). Reason I'm asking, I did them all recording just a single weight for each exercise to keep myself unconfused (like that helped.). However, when there are exercises which require only one weight (Leg presses, etc.), sometimes the single weight is too light, and other times it's just perfect. I'm never sure if I should use the weight on the Workout Card or if I should double it into one single I making any sense?!

2) When doing a superset, do you keep the same weight, regardless of the followup exercise? For instance, when I do calf raises after squats I have been keeping the same weight throughout both exercises, but when I do calf raises on their own, I can use much heavier that a normal process to follow?

3) Today's workout, M1W3D1 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps, I was able to do a few pounds heavier on most exercises than was listed on the Card. I've been updating my 1RMS after each workout to try and keep them accurate, but it's still not right on several. On others, it's a bit over by a pound or so, and I adjust accordingly, but wasn't sure if it's bad if I'm not going to failure on every single exercise involving a weight.

4) After the first 1.5 weeks I had AWFUL DOMS in my legs and back. I loved every bit of it, no worries, but after Week 2 legs, I have nothing...and my biceps NEVER are sore...used to be if I weight lifted before, I could barely lift my arms the next day and now it's like nothing happened. Is this normal, or is it a sign I'm not pushing myself like I should be....

OH all the thoughts running through my head are telling me to ask millions more questions, but I"ll stop there for now. If you have any advise/insight into any of this nonsense, please feel free to tell me...even if it's to just calm down already!!

Thank you all for your help, and looking forward to hearing your thoughts! :)



  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Hi! I've just finished M2 so I'll try answer some of your questions but not sure I can cover them all, but here goes:

    1) With my 1RMs I logged the weight per dumbbell rather than total weight. I did this consistently so I knew that when it says 22lbs I know that means per arm (also because if I'd attempt the exercise with that as the total weight it would be too easy). For the one DB exercises I just noted the weight of the one DB I used.

    2) I try to adjust the exercises to match my capabilities on the supersets, if time etc. allows I will switch up where needed.

    3) If I can go heavier than the cards then I do - it needs to be challenging for strength to increase. If I've misjudged and haven't gone to failure I'll just make a note on my card to go heavier when I next do that exercise/workout.

    4) It's quite normal for the DOMs to lessen as the weeks for each mesocycle progress, and many of my STS pals have said this too. Towards the end of M1 I iwasn't really getting any DOMs but then after the first M2 workouts, holy moly did I ache the next day or two! Again these subsided as I progressed through M2 but I am pretty sure they'll be back with a vengeance when I start M3. As the muscles adapt to the exercise they will start to recover quicker. Not having DOMs does not necessarily mean you have not had a good workout.
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