
Hello, All,
I’m going to cross post this in a couple low carb groups, because I’m really curious about what you have to say on this topic. I hope some of the more experienced and successful low-carbers will weigh in as well!
I’m wondering how you all feel about the “Low-Carb” stuff out there, from the Atkins bars and shakes, to the myriad of other low carb options being sold, to the low-carb recipes you can find out there. I’m not talking about the ones that just eliminate a carby ingredient, like making a crustless quiche (delicious, by the way), but about the offerings that use massive amounts of almond flour instead of wheat, and xylitol and other sugar alcohols instead of sweeteners (or even just use artificial sweeteners).
I’ve seen a lot of pros and cons. Of course the Atkins web site has recipes posted for these types of foods, and they sell quite a bit of them. On the other hand, I’ve heard some anecdotal experiences that indicate that they can lead to major stalls, and even heard people questioning the healthiness of them. In an Atkins group I once frequented on YAHOO, they referred to these things as “FRANKENFOODS.”
My mind isn’t made up. I’m still pretty new this time around, and am not sure if I’m going to incorporate these things into my longer-term WOE or not, and if I do, how much I’ll allow myself.
So, I’m curious:
Do you use these types of products?
How much or how often?
What guidelines do you use in limiting them.
Right now, I’m just doing induction, but I am having a splenda packet in my morning coffee, and 2 diet sodas (with Splenda) a day. I’m also planning on introducing the “muffin in a minute” to my WOE next week. Beyond that, I have no plans for where I go from here (except, of course, adding some nuts to my program after week 2, whether I stay at induction levels or not). Beyond that, I’m not sure, so your comments are appreciated! 