
Hello, All,
I’m going to cross post this in a couple low carb groups, because I’m really curious about what you have to say on this topic. I hope some of the more experienced and successful low-carbers will weigh in as well!
I’m wondering how you all feel about the “Low-Carb” stuff out there, from the Atkins bars and shakes, to the myriad of other low carb options being sold, to the low-carb recipes you can find out there. I’m not talking about the ones that just eliminate a carby ingredient, like making a crustless quiche (delicious, by the way), but about the offerings that use massive amounts of almond flour instead of wheat, and xylitol and other sugar alcohols instead of sweeteners (or even just use artificial sweeteners).
I’ve seen a lot of pros and cons. Of course the Atkins web site has recipes posted for these types of foods, and they sell quite a bit of them. On the other hand, I’ve heard some anecdotal experiences that indicate that they can lead to major stalls, and even heard people questioning the healthiness of them. In an Atkins group I once frequented on YAHOO, they referred to these things as “FRANKENFOODS.”
My mind isn’t made up. I’m still pretty new this time around, and am not sure if I’m going to incorporate these things into my longer-term WOE or not, and if I do, how much I’ll allow myself.
So, I’m curious:
Do you use these types of products?
How much or how often?
What guidelines do you use in limiting them.
Right now, I’m just doing induction, but I am having a splenda packet in my morning coffee, and 2 diet sodas (with Splenda) a day. I’m also planning on introducing the “muffin in a minute” to my WOE next week. Beyond that, I have no plans for where I go from here (except, of course, adding some nuts to my program after week 2, whether I stay at induction levels or not). Beyond that, I’m not sure, so your comments are appreciated! 


  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    I don't use ANY of the "Frankenfoods". In a previous attempt at low-carb, I lived on Atkins/low-carb products (shakes, bars, flours). It didn't work for me. I stalled after about 2 weeks, and gave up a little over a month in.
    This time, nothing but "normal" low-carb foods, lots of veggies, and patience--I'm five months in and 32 pounds down. I seriously don't believe that sugar alcohols are "low-carb friendly".
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    I agree with Strawmama (congrats on your progress btw!)

    Atkins today will push product because that's how the money is made, but Atkins way back focused more on common foods that was readily available.
    Low carb eating has been documented dating back to the 1800s, where there were no bars, soda, etc.. so if people had to sacrifice for the sake of better health back then, there's no reason that we shouldn't be able to today.

    Some people can tolerate sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners in small doses with no problems and others can't. I personally don't mind splenda or stevia, but too much of it will hinder my loss. When it comes to sugar alcohols, I may have an Atkins product, but on rare occasion. I'm type 2 diabetic, so it's better for me to have an Atkins product instead of high-carb sugary junk.

    I would suggest that you figure out what works for you. We all have our opinions, but your body is the only thing that will “tell” you what works or not. After induction experiment a little.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I do my very best to stay away from processed foods but I do use Ice Breaker mints from time to time to satisfy my sweet tooth. I also am not afraid to put some stevia in my plain yogurt (gag!) to sweeten it up. I'm still on induction so I haven' had any yogurt but this isn't my first rodeo :p
  • Thanks all for the input! I know what I'm planning for the next few weeks, but beyond that, no clue.

    Good thing it's a few weeks away, right :-)

    So anyway, I appreciate the input. Information is a good thing!


  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I use Carbquik for making pancakes once in a while and use low carb tortillas a couple of times a week. Other than that I eat predominantly whole foods.
  • NurseSturgill
    NurseSturgill Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there! Well I was eating the atkins bars and shakes, but have stopped using them. The shakes didn't seem to bother me, but after about 1.5-2 weeks of introducing the bars into my diet (induction phase) I stalled and even gained 2 lbs back...akk! I wasn't a believer when others said that they would stall you because they were made by Atkins...right? Wrong. Don't eat them. I don't use the shakes unless I'm desperate (work sometimes limits my abilities to cook good foods). They don't use the sugar alcohols which I think was the culprit, but I still don't trust them either.
  • thanks for the great info....somehow stopping Akins Peanut Butter cups!

    I love peanut butter & chocolate any suggestions for a tasty replacement?
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    When I want chocolate I melt cream cheese, add unsweetened Hershey cocoa powder and a couple pkts of Splenda, which will leave you with a rich chocolate treat. You can add a dollup of almond butter instead of PB. I know it's not in PB cup form, but it's very satisfying and IMO tastes better than the real thing.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    thanks for the great info....somehow stopping Akins Peanut Butter cups!

    I love peanut butter & chocolate any suggestions for a tasty replacement?

    You can make a peanut butter chocolate bar easily with

    2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
    3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
    2 tablespoons natural peanut butter (like Adams brand, must have no sugar or anything else added)
    2 packets splenda or 15 drops stevia or half of both
    1 teaspoon heavy whipping cream
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    pinch of salt

    Wisk together, taste and adjust to your liking, spread on wax paper on a plate, and freeze for at least 15 minutes or until hardened.

    I just made this tonight! Really hits the spot. I wouldn't eat it every night, but one time a month when I really need some chocolate... well, you know.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Thanks for sharing the recipe Coda! I usually swap out almond butter for PB, but the Adams brand is only 4g net per serving (vs. 2g for AB), so I think I'll give PB a try next time.
  • livinglc
    livinglc Posts: 30 Member
    I just joined myfitnesspal and took a look at the groups. This topic was interesting to me. I understand your caution in eating foods that aren't natural. I have been on low carb for 1.5 years, lost 40 #, and am working daily to maintain a low carb lifestyle for the rest of my life. I read all of the lc books I could find and Atkins books gave the best advice. I don't think I would have stuck with it or been successful without the advice I read. That being said, I'm a little surprised that Atkins is going down the path of more food products. I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise since every diet plan has come out with their own food.
    I try to eat whole foods -- meaning very little products that aren't natural and I don't recognize all of the ingredients. It's impossible to be 100%, but I cook my own food and don't use prepackaged anything. I limit the fake sugar I use. I use a sprinkle from a packet in tea a couple times a week. I found that I really don't like the aftertaste. in baked foods. I'm surprised at that since I've always drank diet sodas (till I gave them up and drink water). So I should be used to the taste. It just isnt the same in baked foods. So, less than once a month I make some sugar free dessert with fake sugar. I don't buy the products, except Atkins bars because of their low carb count. I use the Atkins bars only for emergency food when I need a quick, easy portable food. I don't get the low carb mixes or anything weird. I do use natural products like almond meal, coconut flour, etc. when I do make the lc dessert on that rare occasion. I eat a lot of nuts. I now use protein whey powder because I wanted something else for b'fast besides egg whites and eggs.
    I have struggled with weight all my life. This is the first time I've had an eating plan that I could do easily and stay on the plan without a lot of effort. Willpower seems to be stronger due to lack of cravings. But warning, once you touch something you shouldn't, it's binge city.
    Good luck... It's a journey.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Thanks LivingLC for sharing your experience! Atkins is now selling frozen meals, which was surprising to me as well. I would much rather cook my version of chicken and broccoli versus buying a bland frozen version, however, like you, I do use the bars when I'm in a situation where I can’t reach for the natural stuff. Protein shakes are good meal replacement. I always buy the brands that are free from hormones, antibiotics and BSE. I use the Jay Robb brand, which is pricey, but there is also the Sunharvest brand, which is half the price. I’ve also used egg white protein when I was juicing to maximize my amino acid intake. Anyway, there is so much variety to keep us on track!
  • livinglc
    livinglc Posts: 30 Member
    Atkins has the shakes on sale..a six pack for about six dollars. I bought but haven't tried yet. I don't know if other stores have this sale. I got mine in market basket. This is in New England. I was happy to see no sugar alcohol. The bars do set me off. Last time I ate one I got a sugar Buzz. Guess that's a real warning to stay away from that product.
    I did try the Atkins dinner due to the coupon. It's ridiculous to get a frozen dinner for something like chicken and broccoli that you could ave bags of in your freezer and cook about as fast as the frozen dinner. I can't imagine they will be on the market long.
  • Clownfish423
    Clownfish423 Posts: 108 Member
    Everybody reacts differently to food. I spent years basically living low carb, but still consuming diet sodas and frankenfoods. I got to where my weight just finally wouldn't budge, no matter how low carb I went or how much exercise I did. This year, I decided to ditch the diet drinks...and anything else with aspartame. I held onto saccharine in my tea, but finally decided it had to go, too. I really started reading labels and was surprised at all the ingredients in our foods that I couldn't even pronounce...Atkins or not. Soooo, bottom line is I've tried to really eliminate the fake stuff and just concentrate on real unprocessed food. The good news is my weight has started trending downward again! I do keep Atkins bars in my desk drawer for absolute emergencies, but it's probably been months since I've had one. I use stevia on rare occasion if I want something sweet. I do use almond flour on occasion, but try to just concentrate on meats/full fat dairy/ non-starchy vegetables/eggs. Good luck!
  • livinglc
    livinglc Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I think I'm getting to the same point as you about eliminating the fake sugar. For one thing, it doesn't really "do it" for me. I've read that it just teases your body into expecting sugar then when it doesn't get it, you start the cravings. I bought stevia but haven't used it yet, am using up the splenda to make room. I do use so little that it is taking forever to use it up.
    What experience have you all had with stevia.