New to the group

Hi my name is Katie. I am new to the group. I am on day 2 of limiting way back on the processed food I eat. picking healthier choices. I am doing the Maker's diet by Jordan S Rubin


  • Mrs_Shajunna
    Thank you for joining and can I ask, "What is the Maker's diet?
  • IcaWise
    IcaWise Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jessica and I'm working on getting off my lingering pregnancy weight (my daughter is going to be 1 in 10 days so the "I just had a baby" excuse I kept giving myself is no good anymore!) and then get myself to a healthy weight. Along with that, I'm working at limiting my processed food intake and chemicals. I'm trying to eat whole. I want my daughter to establish the healthy eating habits that I didn't have growing up and live a cleaner, healthier life.
  • Mrs_Shajunna
    We can do this IcaWise together!!!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    the basic rule of thumb for the Maker's diet is if God didn't make it I don't eat it. it encourages eating natural foods and organic meat. I am working my way on cutting out on processed foods
  • Mrs_Shajunna
    Oh... Ok but it can be costly right?
  • asmith102781
    Hello everyone...thank you for inviting me to the group. I had my daughter May 5, 2012 and have since been on a journey to a healthier me. I am 87lbs down and still have a few more to go. I currently work out 5 mornings a week and play in a womens full contact(tackle) football league. I am excited to get to know each of you and support each other along the way :).
  • Mrs_Shajunna
    Welcome to the fam asmith102781 and thank you for accepting :) I have to loss lots and lots of pounds! So we should be able to help each other!
  • fitQueenbeast
    Hello Everyone! New to the group as well. Thanks for inviting me, Mrs._S.!

    Brief synopsis: started my healthy and fit journey on June 3, 2012 at 175 pounds. I am now down to 142 (flip flops around, of course) and my ultimate goal is 135. I have 2 1/2 months left to meet all of my goals (I've met my inches goal across the board). I dropped 7 dress sizes in 6 months: from size 13 to a size 6. My profile pic is me wearing a pair of size 6 shorts that I just got in the mail last week. I haven't seen a 6 since 8th grade!

    I'm here to help inspire and motivate and receive it in return. I look forward to interacting with you all!

  • Mrs_Shajunna
    Thank you for accepting! Mzedavis, thank you for sharing! Hearing this really has encouraged me! I just began and I have a long ways to go, so I could use all the help I can get :)
  • hope1
    hope1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. My name is Hope. I had always been thin and able to eat anything I wanted without having to worry about my weight. That is until I hit the 30's. Then I started to slowly putting weight on while working nights. Then I got pregnant and gained alot (that was in 2000). I just couldn't get the weight off after that. Now I've determined I want to be healthier and teach my daughter the importance of exercise and healthy mindful eating. I've lost 28 lbs so far but have some more to loose. Praying we all get healthier. Thanks for inviting me to the group.
  • Mrs_Shajunna
    Welcome, welcome, Hope1! So glad you accepted the invite :)