Week 1-4 : Diet

mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
Tell me what your diet is like, sticking points, and how your energy levels are. Keep each other motivated as well. Everyone should get to know each other. 12 Weeks will go by very quickly!! Get ready for that Sunshine and warm weather. Well in PA it is still snowing i'm sure some of you have warm weather already and for that I am jealous =-)


  • AAL94LBB
    AAL94LBB Posts: 77 Member
    For my diet I following my given goals on MFP. I eat around 1,200 calories a day and I try to make smart choices.
  • debgoomey
    debgoomey Posts: 28 Member
    I try to stay around 1500 cal/day. MFP recommends 1200, but I am still nursing my baby, and they do not allow for that here. I have a hard time after school gets out for the kids. Life seems to get crazy then and it becomes very easy to snack with them, and while I make dinner it is also easy to pick! My energy levels are usually ok until after dinner, when I tank. I eat alot of beans as my protein, overall I eat good foods, but I still like a lot of junk too. It is hard to kick those to the curb! (I know moderation is key...but it is hard to moderate them for me!)
  • NatzC123
    NatzC123 Posts: 150 Member
    Ok so according to MFP I should be consuming 1690 cals a day, I usually do eat my cals every day. I have a sweet tooth and love chocoalte so I am going to make an effort from monday to cut back a bit if I can. My energy levels are pretty good overall, I now look forward to doing some form of a workout most days, I do find the weekends a little tough but I am sure with the motivation of all in this 12 week challenge I can overcome my troubles at the weekends!!
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    My "diet" consist of 2 protein shakes a day, 2 small snacks and Healthy supper. I juice from time to time....I don't struggle with cravings or eating junk, but what I do struggle with is skipping meals. I get so busy that I forget to eat or just too tired to make a shake or salad. I keep telling myself to make them ahead of time.....
  • Mollymops102
    I eat very healthily during the day but when I get home I tend to snack, I often finish work very late hence am really hungry and don't have the energy to cook a proper meal. I either end up with something out of freezer and chips or a take away which has really made the lb pile on again. I need to plan better and get home at a reasonable time
  • awkwardpear
    awkwardpear Posts: 24 Member
    I try to get most of my carbs from plant sources - fruits and vegetables, starchy tubers, etc. I throw in grains every once in a while because they are easy and tasty, but when they were a staple of my diet I felt pretty lethargic, so I guess my body doesn't respond well to them. Oatmeal and rice happen once or twice a week, though. Because they are delicious. I very rarely reach the MFP recommended daily carbohydrates (and I almost always go over the recommended fat and protein) but I have a lot of energy like this, and I haven't actually gained any weight in a month of eating this way despite always going over my calories and not getting much exercise - so I think that if I continue eating the way I have been, but following caloric restrictions and exercising daily, weight loss will happen. But any feedback/suggestions are welcome! :)
  • pat9278
    pat9278 Posts: 4 Member
    I eat healthy during the week. Lots of fruits and vegetables. But, I LOVE red wine... and when I drink wine, I LOVE cheese and crackers. I think that's my biggest downfall.
  • jwpe
    jwpe Posts: 77 Member
    I am starting to follow The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Their calorie requirements have me at 1600 for non work out days and 1860 for work out days. I try to follow a clean diet and getting rid of processed food, much to the dismay of my family! But I too, like my red wine!!!
  • phyl88
    phyl88 Posts: 51 Member
    MFP recommends 1200 calories for me and I usually make the mark, give or take 100 calories. When I'm good, I'm fantastic, when I'm bad, I am rediculous . The most exercise I get is a 2 mile run/walk on the treadmill any where from 4.8 mph to 6.2. I like the treadmill and eliptical becasue I feel that they are both great cardios and I feel like I get a lot for the 30 minutes. I struggle with breakfast because I get up at 4:00 am and usually don't want anything that early. I will eat at work at around 8:30, usually fruit. I like my diet because I eat exactly what I want, I just usually eat a portion that fits into my calorie count. I snack occasionally, usually something sweet, but I try not to start because I can't stop. Feel free to look at my diary. I weight and measure everything. I'm trying to stay away from gluten, but I do have it occasionally. Looking forward to the help and hope that I can help others.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    MFP recommends 1550 for me, and my PT agrees, so that's what I've been doing. I eat incredibly healthily during the week and have a cheat meal on a Saturday. My weight loss has hit a bit of a plateau (after losing 60lbs so far) so I'm considering doing that TDEE - 20% thing, or at least increasing my calories slightly as I think my deficit has been too big.

    An average day:
    breakfast - either porridge made with a bit of milk and mainly water, or poached eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites), toast and baked beans
    snack: fruit/nuts/oatcake (either, not all!)
    lunch: tuna or chicken salad
    snack: see above
    dinner: something like chicken again, or fish, with veg, or sometimes a jacket potato with tuna
    snack: low fat natural yoghurt

    I generally have my 5 a day, if not more. My biggest vice is coffee I guess. I only have it with milk, but my PT says that too much caffeine can hinder weight loss.
  • mnflame
    mnflame Posts: 24
    I generally eat pretty well except for when I'm sitting at work doing nothing. I have a really hard time getting up in the morning, so I'm always running late to class. Because of that, I found this recipe for oatmeal muffins that I keep in the freezer and pull out the night before to thaw (really good, made with mashed bananas instead of oil, message me if you want the recipe). On days that I'm not in the lab at school, I make a smoothie. I separate smoothie ingredients, minus the almond milk, into little bags so all I have to do is pull them out of the freezer and put in the blender with some almond milk and blend. Quick, healthy and delicious. Lunch and dinner are normally pretty good. I'm really trying to cook more and finding that I actually like it. I have a really hard time with the recommended 3-4 servings of vegetables. I don't really like that many veggies and this is a downfall. I sometimes put some spinach in my smoothie and I do love carrots and zucchini. Plus I eat salads a lot and I try to pack veggies into that (cucumbers, carrots, peppers, etc.) I've also recently discovered that I LOVE sweet potatoes. I baked them the other night for sweet potato fries and they were delicious and nutritious.

    So, I've got a ways to go, but I'm slowly learning. Advice for quick, healthy lunches that I could eat on the go are always appreciated. Thanks!
  • lailahmed
    lailahmed Posts: 38 Member
    terrible at this as i eat mums cooked meals at home, mostly carbs i.e. Rice, pasta, bread with very little vegs and Fruit .

    From today switching to healthier options, more fruit and vegs, and def will try not to exceed my 1200 limit :)
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Eating at 1300 per day plus a proportion of exercise calories. I rarely drink, so alcohol is not a problem. Trying to eat more protein.
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    My MFP maintaince goal is set at 1500 calories plus I eat back MOST (if not all) of my exercise calories. Depending on my workouts, I eat between 1700 and 2000 calories each day, and I've been maintaining a range of 129-131 since November 2012. It's time to start back losing!!!
  • spezzie
    spezzie Posts: 22 Member
    I eat very well...No processed foods, little or no salt, little or no sugar....mainly olive oil as fat. Lots of veggies, not enough fruit though....I find fruit so tastless this time of year....bread is mostly whole wheat pita's....

    In the past month or so, Ive been on a smoothie kick...I make them myself with yogurt and frozen fruits....and this can usually take me through 10am where I start to get hungry....If I don't plan, I go to the kitchen at work and grab whatever is around...ironically, its usually cake or cookies.... :( If I plan, then I have some almonds, or dried raisin or cranberries, green tea
    Lunch is usally protein and carbs with veggies...lots of veggies....If I work out that day, I have extra protein...chicken or fish...
    Supper...usually simple...soup or veggie stew...
  • Gigib64
    Gigib64 Posts: 18 Member
    While I fought the weight for years, and years, and years, when I started working from home the refrigerator called my name all the time. Now, I have a GoFitwear, (like a body bugg), and just from wearing it and entering all my food to My Fitness Pal, I am just so much more accountable. I follow the caloric guidelines on MFP and have had no trouble staying under my goals because I enjoy vegetables and chicken, but now have to boost my output of energy.
  • amysteri
    amysteri Posts: 197 Member
    Tell me what your diet is like, sticking points, and how your energy levels are. Keep each other motivated as well. Everyone should get to know each other. 12 Weeks will go by very quickly!! Get ready for that Sunshine and warm weather. Well in PA it is still snowing i'm sure some of you have warm weather already and for that I am jealous =-)

    Hello everyone, nice to meet you all :flowerforyou:
    I'd say my energy level is pretty good
    I eat around 1500 calories a day ...my goal is set to 1550. And when I exercise I eat back my calories burned.
    I cook my own food just because I can cook and I like to cook! I rarely go out to eat but when I do I enjoy the food haha.
    I also like to eat veggies and fruits. I always include rice for dinner. I don't eat chips very often... but I do eat shrimp and fish crackers:noway: ...ummm, i'm an omnivore lol
    I don't eat fast food much at all, and I don't drink soda. I prefer drinking H2O and tea... and I think that's all so far
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    I eat my MFP calories -- 1350 and maybe some of my exercise calories burned. I eat plenty of fruits and veggies, beans, eggs, some rice, light yogurt, walnuts, salad w/low-fat dressing. I don't eat fish. I don't do fast food. I drink black coffee and water...no soda, no beer. I like soft-serve yogurt w/crushed Butterfinger on top. I just had that for my b'day on Tuesday. The time before was last October!!! I pack my lunch every day. My down fall is peanut butter...Adams creamy...*sigh*

  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    1350 calories plus eating back exercise calories if I feel like I need to
  • tvetack
    tvetack Posts: 3 Member
    I'm just starting but I'm eating around 1200 calories a day. Only eating carbs in the morning and have protein at every meal. I want to exercise at least 5 days a week. The hard part is after work around 4 I want a snack (salty or sweet) so usually I take the dog for a walk. Here in New Hampshire it is suppose to snow this Tuesday-bummer. We have a great track around our football field at the school I work at and want to start jogging. Has anyone done the couch25K program?