
mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
I know you can see each other on your Application when you burn calories and do cardio exercises but I will leave this section open for anyone who burns over 500 calories in a day to come on and share what they did and celebrate their accomplishment. WHO IS GOING TO BE FIRST!??


  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    Walking, 3.5 mph, uphill 120 minutes 1279 calories burned

    Hiking, climbing hills (carrying 10-20 lb load) 150 minutes 1945 calories burned

    Daily Total / Goal 270 minutes 3224 calories burned
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    I worked out at the gym this morning for 73 minutes and did a total of 623 calories burned. I did a warm up walk around the track, the lifted weights using the machines mainly upper body with some legs weights too. Then hopped on a stationary bike for 15 minutes. And then ended with more walking with a little jogging to finish.
  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    Ladies Great WORK TODAY!
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    533 calories jogging,walking,and using elliptical. ????
  • andreagreen1974
    andreagreen1974 Posts: 64 Member
    Running! 637 calories in 40 minutes (6.5 k)
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    This board inspired me so much today - I did BOTH strength training AND cardio. 510 cals burnt: Strength Training - the dreaded workout B - including 2 sets of the Cross Knee Crunches that I HATE so much plus increased weight back up - 38 minutes THEN Elliptical 30.06 min; 7.05 km (4.38 miles)

    And the cross knee crunches are getting easier! :happy: My abs are in shock!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    03/16 I burned 920 calories walking 5.36 miles -- 3.71 in 70 mins. 1.65 in an hour w/ SO and puppy. Then 60 mins spent on challenges ...squats, climbers, etc., and Zumba. It was a good day!

    03/17 so far I've burned 685 calories walking 4.08 miles in 60 minutes and 45 minutes on challenges. No Zumba today...knee issues.
  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    Thus far this is my favorite TOPIC you people ROCK and INSPIRE me to be the best trainer ever! LOVE IT!
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    Did the shamrock 5k today did in about 52 min. Nice jump start to get my butt moving again. :drinker: cheers
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Today I played doubles tennis for 90 min in the morning and 90 min in the afternoon. Total 1306 calories today! When I started Mfp, I couldn't play tennis 2 days in a row and sometimes when I played I would get so red in the face, my partners would tell me to rest and I would lose lots of "fitness points". Now neither drop shots or lobs bother me because I can get there!
  • mkkhoza
    mkkhoza Posts: 79
    50 minute bootcamp plus 21 minutes on rowing machine = 1161 calories :)
  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    ROUGH AND TOUGH!! Wonderful work all of you
  • NatzC123
    NatzC123 Posts: 150 Member
    529 cals burned today!!
    used the elliptical, went walking with the dog and cleaned the house!!
  • Lainny21
    Lainny21 Posts: 106 Member
    562 calories- 1 hour of competitive volleyball and 10 minutes of hula hooping. :)
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I went downhill skiing all day Saturday with my kids and burned 600 calories!!
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    90 minutes of cardio at the gym!
  • Culanow
    Culanow Posts: 11
    90 minutes combination cardio/kickboxing/circuit training = 724 calories burned
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    warn up on the spin for 15 minutes and today was trainer day so we did a circuit along with spin bike for a total of 45 minutes
    not sure on the calories
  • tppchef
    tppchef Posts: 107 Member
    Just over 11,000 steps, including martial arts, light weight lifting, and house cleaning today. My tracker calculated 557 today!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    03/16 I burned 920 calories walking 5.36 miles -- 3.71 in 70 mins. 1.65 in an hour w/ SO and puppy. Then 60 mins spent on challenges ...squats, climbers, etc., and Zumba. It was a good day!

    03/17 so far I've burned 685 calories walking 4.08 miles in 60 minutes and 45 minutes on challenges. No Zumba today...knee issues.

    03/18 I burned 979 calories walking 4.22 miles in 62 minutes and I spent 85 minutes on challenges including your At Home Workout! It's been a good day!