I'm afraid switch from P90x to NROL4W... ??

Hello Ladies!

I have been following P90x (the lean version) since January. Well... mostly following it. I do the strength training workouts and MOST of the cardio. I usually end the cardio workouts a bit early because of time sake and sometimes I run instead because I actually enjoy it.

Anyway, I have seen a difference in my arms and abs. My legs have also slimmed down a bit from it. However, I feel like I need to mix it up a bit. I have thought about doing the classic version and complete 8-10 reps rather than 12-15 but all these isolation exercises are KILLING me... I mean how many bicep curls do we need? Apparently NONE after reading NROL4W. I got the book from the library yesterday and read the WHOLE thing. It makes sense.

Here's the thing, I have been lifting weights for about 3-4 years now. However, it has always been 15-20 reps and a mixture of compound movements and isolation exercises. I have NEVER lifted "heavy" like it is said to in the book. Even my husband has been telling me to go heavy and I don't listen. I am one of those "I don't wanna bulk up" weirdos. :laugh:

Anyway, has anyone made the switch from P90x and gotten better results from NROL4W? P90x is intense and I love that part... but takes up A LOT of time that I really don't have. However, I have noticed results so I am kind of afraid to change it up...



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I did p90x last year, been doing NROL4W for about a month. The good bit of p90x is the fact you can do it at home. I couldn't do NROL4W at home without significant investment. I am enjoying it so far and think it is probably more sustainable than P90X. I like the full body workout idea also rather than a focus on partcular body parts each time. I'm sure that has merit too, but its not so much what I enjoy.

    The good think about p90x is that once you've bought it, you can just supplement in the workouts when you like. I occasionally do a plyo when I feel the need to burn some cals, lol. Yoga would be fab too, if only I had time for it! Give NROL4W a go - you won't know until you try!
  • MrsCJ1
    MrsCJ1 Posts: 77
    I did p90x last year, been doing NROL4W for about a month. The good bit of p90x is the fact you can do it at home. I couldn't do NROL4W at home without significant investment. I am enjoying it so far and think it is probably more sustainable than P90X. I like the full body workout idea also rather than a focus on partcular body parts each time. I'm sure that has merit too, but its not so much what I enjoy.

    The good think about p90x is that once you've bought it, you can just supplement in the workouts when you like. I occasionally do a plyo when I feel the need to burn some cals, lol. Yoga would be fab too, if only I had time for it! Give NROL4W a go - you won't know until you try!

    Thanks! I love your advice "give it a go- you won't know until you try!". This is so true! I think I am going to give it ago. I am curious to see how my body response to heavy lifting. Nervous... yes.. but I know that I will see results if I stick with it. It is just an entirely different philosophy than I am used to. I read Tony Horton's book and he is all about bodyweight and high reps. After reading NROL4W... it is a whole different beast! :happy: But... I think I'll just give it a go and see what happens. I can always go back to p90x if I don't love it!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I switched to NROL4W from P90X. I actually like lifting heavy over P90X.

    You need to get out of the "lifting heavy will make me bulky" mind set.


    None of those girls are bulky and they lift a crap load!
  • MrsCJ1
    MrsCJ1 Posts: 77
    I switched to NROL4W from P90X. I actually like lifting heavy over P90X.

    You need to get out of the "lifting heavy will make me bulky" mind set.


    None of those girls are bulky and they lift a crap load!

    I know.. I know I do!!:ohwell: And I know the truth so I don't know WHY I continue to believe I will look like a man if I lift heavy. How have your results compared? I am sure that I would enjoy lifting heavy more than doing p90x. I used to love lifting weights in the gym, but like the results I see with p90x.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Well it's also hard because Tony is telling you to do less reps to go for size, so when I did p90x I always did the max with lighter weights. I love New Rules, it is a LOT less time than p90x, and setting time aside to go to the gym also puts me in a different mindset and I work harder (my fluffy bed isn't there inviting me to rest!) I look forward to the new workouts and doing better than I did before. Like Jo said, give it a go. You don't know how you'll like something until you try it :smile:
  • MrsCJ1
    MrsCJ1 Posts: 77
    Well it's also hard because Tony is telling you to do less reps to go for size, so when I did p90x I always did the max with lighter weights. I love New Rules, it is a LOT less time than p90x, and setting time aside to go to the gym also puts me in a different mindset and I work harder (my fluffy bed isn't there inviting me to rest!) I look forward to the new workouts and doing better than I did before. Like Jo said, give it a go. You don't know how you'll like something until you try it :smile:

    I know.. I find it interesting that he repeatedly states the whole "less reps/heavy=size"... which is TRUE, but he never specifies that women won't bulk. In every video the women are doing 12-15 reps. This also would cause a woman to believe that they should be lifting light with high reps! I think I'm going to continue with p90x until the summer. I'm going to shoot for 8-10 reps on everything and up my weights. Working out at home is WONDERFUL during the school year (I'm a teacher so sometimes I have to squeeze my workouts in before work). Once school is out and I'm done with classes, I can get back in the gym and give it a try.

    Thanks everyone!