Starting the Whole 30 in April - any takers?



  • terwhitcomb
    terwhitcomb Posts: 43 Member
    Good Morning!
    Great advice everyone on the amounts of foods to consume. Like someone else said I have never had a problem consuming enough calories I've always tended to go the opposite direction. I like the idea of listening to your body with the energy level rather than feeling full - that's going to take some retraining for me but I'm going to try.
    I survived Girls Night Out last night - yay me! It was actually sort of fun to challenge myself. I made sure and took things I could eat - even my homemade salad dressing and soda water with a twist of lime. It was a great feeling when I got into my car with no regrets!
    A new challenge today - I woke up this morning with a cold! I know that by the time I get home from work I am going to want "comfort" foods...any ideas? I keep telling myself that the best comfort is going to be that in the long run I'll be much healthier!
    Have a super day number 3 - I love all the encouragement on here you guys rock!!
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    Nice job on the successful girls night Terri. That is always my downfall...celebrations. I'm anxious to get started. Just need to give up dairy and potatos on Monday and I'll be Whole30-fied. Hubby said he'll do it too. I'm worried, he is such a picky eater and hates veg. I told him if he doesn't like it he'll have to find a condiment to slather his veggies with. At least he's willing to give it a go. LOVE HIM FOR THAT! :love:
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Great job last night! I'm glad that in april I don't have too many things going on!

    I was 600 cals under on Monday (for a total of 1200 net cals) and 600 cals on Tuesday (1800 net cals).....not too bad! I did force down an avocado last night and then a cup of pistachios, which was about 500 cals. I really didn't want to eat it, but I did it. Hopefully if I try to keep it averaging out to 1500 cals I won't stall. I know the whole 30 isn't about weight loss, but it would be nice to continue, lol! Plus I really don't think under 1500cals daily is healthy for my size (200lbs at 5'6").
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    ISWF is a book It Starts with Food. The authors are the ones who created the concept for the Whole30. It is a good and insightful read.

    I also found the forums on the Whole9 website helpful when I had questions (I have an almond allergy and needed advice).

    Thanks! I keep meaning to read it, but haven't gotten around to it. I really should.
  • boomboom_laji
    boomboom_laji Posts: 16 Member
    A new challenge today - I woke up this morning with a cold! I know that by the time I get home from work I am going to want "comfort" foods...any ideas? I keep telling myself that the best comfort is going to be that in the long run I'll be much healthier!
    Have a super day number 3 - I love all the encouragement on here you guys rock!!

    I made a Paleo shepard's pie last night, with a mashed cauliflower top (added coconut milk, butter and nutmeg). It was delicious and definitely good comfort food.
  • boomboom_laji
    boomboom_laji Posts: 16 Member
    Hey everyone, Thanks for all the comments! I will be tracking intermittently. I would like to to in general just to know what I have been eating during this time. I am definitely nervous about having put the scale away and nervous about eating fat again. That being said, I have already noticed that I am not getting after 8 munchies anymore and they have generally been the bane of any diet I have ever been on. So, that has been surprising. Also, I haven't had much urge to snack. I definitely try to eat enough at my meals. This morning I had left over Shepard's pie (cauliflower top), lunch was meat and veg chili over a sweet potatoe with some diced tomatoes on top, dinner was more shepard's pie. Had some strawberries and almonds for an afternoon snack. On the menu this week has also been big salads with greens, avocado, egg, olives, and veggies. Also, acorn squash blended with coconut milk, coconut, cinnamon and vanilla. Super tasty!
  • terwhitcomb
    terwhitcomb Posts: 43 Member
    Made some pumpkin, chicken, curry soup - very comforting and filling! Thanks for the suggestions. Getting ready to hit the bed- hoping I feel better in the morning. Meanwhile - I'm whole30 for three days and so are you!! Yay us!!
    Boomboom - the shepards pie sounds amazing so does the acorn squash with coconut - did you put it all in the blender?
    Have a good night everyone - go ahead do it - cross off this day!!!
  • Zesr
    Zesr Posts: 3
    Re joined MFP today with a renewed sense of motivation and determination. Been reading about primal/paleo for a while since tripping across Nerd fitness.

    Had a bad few days so had planned to start today.

    Hope I can join this challenge - albeit a few days late.

    Am looking forward to seeing everyones progress/results and food suggestions
  • terwhitcomb
    terwhitcomb Posts: 43 Member
    Zesr great to have you join us!!! Welcome!
    It is day four and my cold is deciding to rage on - :sad: In the past this would have been a great opportunity for me to justify eating off track. This time I am determined to not do it. Colds, flus, sickness in general are a way of life here and there and I won't let that derail me from the bigger prize - a healthy overall lifestyle! So there!!:grumble:
    Hope you are all having a good morning - I'm almost to lunch time. I'm pretty excited becasue I brought my leftover soup from last night and it's going to taste so good - plus it was an easy lunch to pack.
    How are you all doing today? Any signs of detoxing? I know there were several battling the sugar dragon yesterday - did you win??? I haven't hit that yet but I'm not letting my guard down - I'm sure I will. Let me know how you battled - we all need each other's advice on here.
    Have a great day and stay healthy!
  • boomboom_laji
    boomboom_laji Posts: 16 Member
    About the sugar-dragon... I was transitioning to a Whole 30 during March and I know that I was getting serious sugar cravings...just know that they do calm down. I was studying in Starbucks yesterday and waiting by the pastries to order my herbal tea .... and really I was okay just looking at the lemon cake... which I normally think is most divine....

    I think it has taken some time, but I do think the sugar cravings have started to go away. Also, late night snacking has disappeared. Weird. Amazing? I definitely try to eat enough at each meal ... and eating fat has definitely been a new and freaky thing for me, but I can say that I have been satisfied so far.
  • losingmybehind
    losingmybehind Posts: 47 Member
    Okay, have my first major challenge tomorrow during our whole30. Hubz is making homemade carrot cake ice cream tomorrow....his daugher, who has been away for a year will be over and they both adore ice cream! My plan is have a bowl of berries sprinkled with coconut and bacon instead. Crossing fingers for the best! No wait, what's that saying, there is no try, just do! I am solidly into ketosis right now also, not gonna undo that! Wish me well!
  • terwhitcomb
    terwhitcomb Posts: 43 Member
    You can soooo do this! What's ice cream anyway? Try to think about each ingredient and then think about why you've chosen to do this! Let us know how it goes - we're cheering for you!!! :love:
  • Zesr
    Zesr Posts: 3
    At the end of day 2. Not been easy as I have been off work with the kids for the school holidays but have been keeping myself busy . Been to the supermarket and filled the fridge with veg. I dont eat red meat so have bought some chicken and lots of lovely fish and have a few meals planned.

    I still find that I am looking and worrying about calories but it is quite refreshing when I remind myself to stop.
    I have been really pleased with my protein count too, I have always struggled as I tend to eat a vegetarian diet. The introduction of chicken and nuts has certainly helped.

    Had a cracking headache today, seemed a little premature to be the sugar dragon but I had a couple of pints of water and a couple of ibruprofen and its all gone now. Secretly hoping that was the withdrawals kicking in and that I am coming out the other side but somehow I doubt it.
  • terwhitcomb
    terwhitcomb Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Pals - how's it going? It is day six we've almost reached the end of one full week! How are the cravings? I went to the doctor yesterday after work because my "cold" seemed to be getting worse. They did a flu test which came back positive - plus bronchitis and an ear infection. Yep I feel pretty stinky. It's been a rough 24 hours - my mind can really justify all sorts of bad food right now. So far I'm holding strong but sure could use some encouragement and any ideas for something that feels like a treat :noway:
    I'd love to hear how it's going for you,
  • terwhitcomb
    terwhitcomb Posts: 43 Member
    Zesr great job! Having the kids home must be challenging but your dedication is showing :flowerforyou:
  • terwhitcomb
    terwhitcomb Posts: 43 Member
    Day 7 - woot woot!!! Look at us! Only whole foods for one complete week. I've learned a lot about myself this week. For example I rely much more on comfort food than I ever thought I did - especially when I'm sick! I learned how to talk myself through the tuff times by thinking less about the immediate gratification and more about the long term damage or success. Now will that work this week? Don't know about that but I know for now I have 7 days under my belt and I'll battle day 8 tomorrow! :tongue:
    I would love to hear how you all reward yourselves for reaching your goals (a non-food reward of course).
    Looking forward to a healthy week!
  • boomboom_laji
    boomboom_laji Posts: 16 Member
    Hello fellow Whole-30ers! So, here we are, almost a quarter of the way through! How exciting! There are two things that have really surprised me this week. 1). My after 8pm food cravings seem to have vanished. I don't feel like I am really eating more than I did before, just different.... but really, I haven't been eating at night. 2) Wow! I have a lot of opportunities to drink alcohol in my life. I went to get my hair cut on Wednesday, and the salon offered me a glass of wine, I had mint tea. I went to my book club/happy hour.... and drank water instead of craft beer... I went to visit a friend of mine in Denver and we met some people out....and they drank beer... no lager for me.... I had water... and more water.... and more water..... And told everyone about Whole 30! :-)

    In fab news, when I went out to Denver, I wore a pair of blue jeans I hadn't been able to wear before. This is exciting!
  • losingmybehind
    losingmybehind Posts: 47 Member
    Saturday's Carrot Cake IceCream came and went with no struggle at all! Well, I was tempted to lick my fingers when I was serving it, but didn't! Woot! Another young man who came is lactose intolerant, so he wasn't having it either....we both enjoyed our berries with unsweetened coconut and a bit of crumbled bacon on top! Yum. Thanks for cheering me on!
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    Everyone has done a fantastic job in week 1. I am starting tomorrow. I wanted to get past my weekend away then have a day to plan meals. I'm actually not too worried about my sticking with the plan. My hubby is doing it with me and he's very concerend. He told me today, he's not sure he'll be able to give up his lunch time crisps. I know my biggest struggle will be saying no to sweets and those 3pm munchies that carry on through dinner preparations! I'm looking forward to the start, here's to tomorrow!
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    Hello fellow Whole-30ers! So, here we are, almost a quarter of the way through! How exciting! There are two things that have really surprised me this week. 1). My after 8pm food cravings seem to have vanished. I don't feel like I am really eating more than I did before, just different.... but really, I haven't been eating at night. 2) Wow! I have a lot of opportunities to drink alcohol in my life. I went to get my hair cut on Wednesday, and the salon offered me a glass of wine, I had mint tea. I went to my book club/happy hour.... and drank water instead of craft beer... I went to visit a friend of mine in Denver and we met some people out....and they drank beer... no lager for me.... I had water... and more water.... and more water..... And told everyone about Whole 30! :-)

    In fab news, when I went out to Denver, I wore a pair of blue jeans I hadn't been able to wear before. This is exciting!

    After one week you can wear blue jeans you haven't been able to before!! Thats awesome!