Processed Garbage Article

KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
Another reason not to eat processed garbage:

I'm not sure why they used Chipotle as an example though..... they only mention them once and in a positive manner.


  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    Interesting! thank you for posting.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Great article.

    When I cooked my first whole chicken from a local farm, I did not expect it to taste much different.

    I was SHOCKED at how different it tasted. In particular, the texture of the meat was different. Chewier somehow.

    I love this part of the article:
    To get HVP, a de-oiled soybean meal (or cornmeal) is boiled in large vats of hydrochloric acid for six hours, wrenching apart protein molecules into amino acids. Corn syrup can be added to the mixture to yield a more intense browning flavor. The solution is then neutralized with sodium hydroxide, which leaves the final product with an abundance of sodium.

    Can you say, "Yum!"

    I sat on an airplane once next to a guy that sold a corn-based additive. He told me his product was added to thousands of packaged foods to give them a grilled or freshly baked look. I had bought a turkey sandwich from Au Bon Pain in the airport. He showed me the beautiful "baked" coloring on the bread, and then showed me his product in the ingredients list. I forget exactly what it was, but it was something that did not mention corn. I then understood why a turkey sandwich required a long ingredient list. Thank goodness this happened before I started to eat Paleo. I might have ranted on him.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Watch this video about grass fed beef
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Great article.

    When I cooked my first whole chicken from a local farm, I did not expect it to taste much different.

    I was SHOCKED at how different it tasted. In particular, the texture of the meat was different. Chewier somehow.

    I love this part of the article:
    To get HVP, a de-oiled soybean meal (or cornmeal) is boiled in large vats of hydrochloric acid for six hours, wrenching apart protein molecules into amino acids. Corn syrup can be added to the mixture to yield a more intense browning flavor. The solution is then neutralized with sodium hydroxide, which leaves the final product with an abundance of sodium.

    Can you say, "Yum!"

    I sat on an airplane once next to a guy that sold a corn-based additive. He told me his product was added to thousands of packaged foods to give them a grilled or freshly baked look. I had bought a turkey sandwich from Au Bon Pain in the airport. He showed me the beautiful "baked" coloring on the bread, and then showed me his product in the ingredients list. I forget exactly what it was, but it was something that did not mention corn. I then understood why a turkey sandwich required a long ingredient list. Thank goodness this happened before I started to eat Paleo. I might have ranted on him.

    I used to work in food science. I am very familiar with those types of products... not that one in particular, but the fact there are so many additives to make up for what our food is not. I toured a chicken factory once. The horror!!!! I had this strange feeling the entire time I was in there that I was in a sci-fi movie or something and would never get out. It was disgusting.... all the metal machinery everywhere... the horrible stench of chemicals in areas where you could not even breath. The workers cleaning up wore hazmat suits. I was a vegetarian for 6 months after that.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Watch this video about grass fed beef

    Awesome!!!! White Oak is in Georgia and I'm from Atlanta. I buy their meat frequently.

    Thanks for sharing!