


  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I recently listened to a webinar called "Paleo for Performance", and one quote the host said really stuck with me, an dI've been thinking about it ever since. I'll paraphrase, but basically he said

    Paleo is a natural way for humans to eat. However, when we do sports like endurance running or Crossift, these are very unnatural forms of exercise and activity. Therefore, we need to modify paleo accordingly.

    So if you were only walking a few days a week with very occasional sprinting or lifting, 1400 calories might work. But at the extreme level of activity you are doing, you need a lot more calories and most likely more carbs, too, to sustain energy and fuel your workouts.

    I struggle with finding the same balance of upping calories and carbs, when to eat carbs, how many to eat. (And shhh, I occasionally use whey protein powder, too!)

    I'm struggling with the carb amount and timing too. When you figure it out, let me know :wink: