Knee Injuries

Butyou Posts: 30 Member
How long should you rest a knee Injurie?
Its a little in flamed on the outside of my knee. Its sore but nothing I have not been though before.


  • DanceGirl0309
    DanceGirl0309 Posts: 55 Member
    I have some knee problems and usually a couple days off (along with icing it every couple of hours) will do it for me. Definitely take it easy when you start back up and if it is still bugging you, a few more days off may be called for. You could also try working out in a knee brace if it isn't quite 100% just so you don't re-injure it. I Hope your knee heals quickly! Knee injuries definitely suck!
  • Butyou
    Butyou Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks! Today is the 3rd day and I'm still in pain on scale 1-10 it's a 3 but it is still there, swelling is gone. I'm going to take pain meds tomorrow too and then stop. Hopefully getting back to the gym Sunday for sure. Doing every thing but legs for next week.
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    It really depends on the cause of the pain. It could be runners knee or meniscus or ACL or any number of other things. If the pain doesn't go away in the next few days I'd recommend seeing a doctor so you don't potentially injure it any more.
  • curlygirl1970
    I ave a bad knee, ask yr gym instructor for knee strengthening exercises, stay away rom lunges and squats unless they're wide angle squats and a 1/4 lunge.

    Kicking exercises in the swimming pool help to, I don't swim very well but it helps to do lengths with a float and swim up and down. Hope this this helps
  • Butyou
    Butyou Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you all. I'm not going to be doing anything with my legs for quite some time. Squats, lunge, leg press ext.. I just would like to be able to go back and do arms, shoulder, planks all that fun stuff. Sunday I'm going to hit the gym. I have a job where i'm on my feet for 50hrs a week so I thought best not to push it this last week.
  • JamieA8
    JamieA8 Posts: 36 Member
    I am a little late on the reply so I hope you are all healed and back in the gym.....I have knee problems from too many years of soccer. I keep getting bursitis (I am only 35 but feel like 100 every time I tell someone When it is inflamed , my doctor told me to take ibuprofen to help reduce the swelling. I always take some before I do a 10K or a big hike as a preventitive measure or even sometimes before a 5K or a gym workout if it's bothering me.
  • Butyou
    Butyou Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks I'll remember to take it before a Hike it always seems to be in pain after.