new and struggling

After years of fighting weight, type two diabetes and denial. I am finally taking things seriously but I am struggling with the weight loss. As I am now on insulin, as well as a couple of other meds. I am hoping for support and encouragement with the very slow weight loss I am now having.


  • LaserMum
    LaserMum Posts: 133
    Hi, I'm quite new too. I was diagnosed a while ago but have been ignoring it. I'm not on insulin, just metformin. Most of the advice that I've seen has been to cut carbs.

    There are a few websites that are quite good too. diabetes101 is one website and a UK site that has a lot of good information is

    Even if your weight loss is slow, it is still going in the right direction and that's really important. The quick fix often doesn't last so long! Just keep going and don't give up!
  • Thanks, I am getting discouraged with it all. And I don't want to slip into my old habits again.
  • Hi, I am new also. Just joined last week. I've been diabetic since 2001. This looks like a great place to help you reach your goals. Be patient with your goals and you will get there.:smile:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,183 Member
    I was in denial, too, because I was feeling fine. Well, no more. Doctor told me today that If I continue doing what I am doing now for the rest of my life, I should live another 30 years. That's worth it. Anyone can control their diabetes and, as a result, lose weight and get off their meds. Welcome....and good luck!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome to both truckinwife and jeffsimms12. I think you'll find lots of encouragement and good ideas on here. It's a 1 day at a time adventure. There will be good days and challenging ones, but if you just get back to eating healthy and keeping active you'll see overall improvement. There are many here who have done wonderful things for themselves and I'm a work in progress myself. So, again, welcome to a great group of supporters!
  • Bless your heart! Good job for being committed and wanting to do something that will make you feel better and be more healthy. I'm 48 and have been type 2 for 30 years now. If I can be of any help, or if you need a cheerleader let me know.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    Welcome - its a one day at a time fight and a lifestyle change.

    When my Dr told me in December that I was diabetic, I said "Oh no, I'm not going to be!"

    YOU have to really want it, you have to be at that point where you are determined to change, no matter what.

    Change the settings to show your carbs and sugar intake
  • Aussielooser
    Aussielooser Posts: 139 Member
    Welcome to the group.. Everyone is so helpful and friendly in this group- please feel free to add me
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    All you newbies that posted. WELCOME. this is an awesome group of people. We are here to help you. And like others said. It is one day at time and a lot of trial and error. We learn from our mistakes and test, test test.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Hi to the new members Truckinwife et al. If you value your health and are committed to take action then you've made a great decision in joining this group. The M<FP philosophy is based on the development of a change of lifestyle. It is not a quick fix solution. It requires honest logging of food intake, persistence and patience. The two great things about the MFP programme is the fact that it really does work if applied correctly and thew fact that the members of this group are genuine in their desire to share their experience and to help and encourage others. Take your time to read over the many boards associated with this group where you will find a wealth of useful ionformation. When you've done that and are ready to ask questions you will find lots of genuine people on here who will willingly share their experience with you. I want to wish each of you every success as you start your journey to a healthy active life.
  • Liongoddess
    Liongoddess Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome to the group! I lived in denial about my diabetes for years but started taking care of myself last fall. It isn't easy, but I feel so much better now! You can do this.
  • alsoagood1
    alsoagood1 Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome glad to see you here and asking for help - we are all here to help each other. 4 years ago my doctor told me I was Type 2 and for awhile I did real well, then I slipped - I was in denial (once again) around the holidays but got myself back on the straight and narrow again and feel much better. Add me as a friend if you want to - I enjoy helping people and we can all use friends!
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    Welcome to the group! Having Diabetes can be really scary at first, but with an active and healthy lifestyle, it doesn't have to be! I'm also on insulin. Since starting with MFP, I've been able to lower my dosages. Just be sure to honestly log everything you eat and do, and the weight will come off even if it's slow. You can do it!
  • ksmcanter
    ksmcanter Posts: 24 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I am 60 yrs old and was recently put on insulin, along with metformin. I would love to have you as a friend if you like. I am here for encouragement for you! Take care!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Hello to all the newbies. First off, welcome to MFP and to the Type 2 Diabetes Support Group!!! You have made a huge step in 1) finding and using MFP 2) posting to the forums. You will find so many supportive people in this forum.

    I am 47 years old and have been diabetic since right before my 40th birthday. I started insulin about a year later. Since joining MFP in January, 2013, I have dropped 21 lbs but more importantly, have greatly reduced the amount of insulin I need to take. I am so happy and proud of both of these achievements.

    You can do this. You have to WANT it and put the effort into it. If you track your food and exercise honestly and completely, you will begin to see the results.

    Anyone can friend me. I like surrounding myself with other diabetics and people that struggle just like me.

  • Aloha,

    I was released from the hospital Tuesday evening diagnosed with Angina. Yesterday, went to my follow-up appointment and discovered that I had Type 2 Diabetes. After speaking with my doctor, I headed over to Health Management to make an appointment with the dietician. I picked up a Guide to diabetes. Went home and read the article "I lost 101pounds for my family". I got to the part where it said "After the doctors appointment, the father of three went home and cried . . ." that's where I lost it! Cried for a bit longer and continued to read on. Came across the part where he started tracking his diet on Spent last night looking over the site and browsing the posts and decided to make a commitment and save my life!!! I owe it to myself and my (2) beautiful grandchildren.
    My health care representative, an RN, just called an gave me more info:;, and were on the phone for about 1 1/2 hrs. I have an appointment with my cardiologist tomorrow.

    Starting the path to a healthier life!!!!
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Lani and welcome to this group. Your feelings of alarm and confusion will be recognised by many members in this group who will certainly empathise. You've made a great start in making the committment to accept responsibility for your own health. You've done exactly the right thing by taking time to read over some of the posts by other members. MFP is a great programme as many people within the group can testify. It demands honest logging, patience, persistence and determination. The philosophy is based on the concept of a complete change of lifestyle. It is not a quick fix solution. Multiple research projects have indicated that many of the 'quick fix' methods fail because the person using them loses focus and gradually falls away. MFP on the other hand re-educates us to a healthier way of living. If you haven't yet done so I would suggest that you try to get a place on a diabetes education course as quickly as possible. The majority of people doing these courses have found them to be of great value in giving an awareness of the complications which can araise and give clear guidelines in managing blood sugar levels. I would also suggest that you continue to read over the various boards associated with this group and get a feel for things. When you're ready to ask questions you will find lots of genuine people on here who are willing to share their experience. I wish you every success as you start your journey and will certainly do all I can to help.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Hi Lani-

    I'm sorry, and welcome. Yeah, I ditto Robert's sentiments. We've all had our complete and utter freak-outs, alarm, worry, anger, maybe even a little pity party. And... this group is fantastic. Folks dedicate so much to getting healthy, it's an honor to be a part of such a neat group of committed folks. We're here :)
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Lani,

    I too, would like to say a warm "welcome to this group", and offer you my hand, as we walk together with the others in this group towards better diabetes management and, a healthier lifestyle one step at a time.

    Best of Luck,

  • allensachers
    allensachers Posts: 20 Member
    Was diagnosed with diabetes less than a year ago and did well for the first couple of months then began to back off as I just contributed my tiredness and other physical symptoms to being overweight. Went in to have my A1C checked on Monday, doctor called on Tuesday and said I needed to schedule appointment. I now have until June to prove that I can get this under control or I am looking at Insulin. Had joined myfitnesspal a while ago and have just re-committed, and have loss 9bls so far, but could use some insight on what are healthy and filling snacks or any other support available. Am in another group but at this time I think I need to pay attention to my blood sugars...Help!!!