

  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    I'm really excited to do this. The scale is gonna suck.
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    The first day is interesting so far, the HARDEST thing for me was waking up and not getting naked and heading straight for the scale. But I did it! :)
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    The first day is interesting so far, the HARDEST thing for me was waking up and not getting naked and heading straight for the scale. But I did it! :)

    So did , funny! I realized my son hid it. He asked me tonight, mom when do you get it back? I think he likes keeping something from me. I'm glad you had a great day.
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Okay today was hard, but I didn't step on the scale. I am under calories, but didn't get out for the workout, laundry just won out. Tomorrow is another day right? :)
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    End of day 1. Still under my calories, but had a nighttime snack that was NO BUENO. I still did not step on the scale. I will do some lunges and squats maybe before bed. Tomorrow is a new day! No eating past 6 for me! I have to keep it at a constant reminder! I hope all of you lovely ladies had a fantastic day!

    Dawn, that is so funny your son hid your scale from you ! ! ! Well at least now you know you cant go try to step on it!
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you everyone for sticking with it today. . I know that exercising is hard or going for the right thing to eat is hard but ask yourself what you really want. Vision it!! I can't tell you all enough, close your eyes and vision what you want to be, you will do it!

    When I'm on the treadmill, I'm done after 10 minutes but I force myself to keep going because I know my hard work will eventually pay off. Maybe not in 2 weeks or 2 months, maybe in 2 years...it's ok, I am not everyone else and that quick fix is not the answer. Remember, it took us years to get where we are so it may take us just as long to take it off.

    tip **. If you can, cook your lunch at night and take it to work you will eat healthier than going out for lunch, even if it's a PB&J. This also teaches you discipline. :)

    On a positive note, everyone was under their goal :) YAY

    LETS CONTINUE THIS JOURNEY..For now Goodnight!
    --<3 Dawn
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    Good morning all!!! Today is day 2 of the challenge and again I did NOT step on the scale! WHOOHOO! ! ! Very proud of myself. I have all my meals planned out today *yes which Do include a PB&J* and if I stick to it I will be under my calories! I am tired today and might have to keep my exercise to a minimum, but I will at least do some cleaning after lunch! :)

    Everyone is doing GREAT so far! Thank you to all my friends for the motivation. WE CAN ALL DO THIS! ! ! I hope you all have a fantastic day! I will check in again tonight :)
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning all!!! Today is day 2 of the challenge and again I did NOT step on the scale! WHOOHOO! ! ! Very proud of myself. I have all my meals planned out today *yes which Do include a PB&J* and if I stick to it I will be under my calories! I am tired today and might have to keep my exercise to a minimum, but I will at least do some cleaning after lunch! :)

    Everyone is doing GREAT so far! Thank you to all my friends for the motivation. WE CAN ALL DO THIS! ! ! I hope you all have a fantastic day! I will check in again tonight :)

    Great dedication, I can tell how bad you want it. I miss my scale (ALOT) I want to know if I have lost anything :) I have been feeling a little yuky today also but tomorrow is a new day. You have been doing great!!!
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    Good Evening Everyone,

    I noticed that some of you were not on today, don't let that get you down. Tomorrow is a new day. If you get a chance, please post daily in our group so we know you are alive. We want to know how your day has been and if there is anything we may be able to help with (advice wise). We want to also make sure you have not left the challenge.

    I hope that we see everyone tomorrow, we can do this together. It's not an easy journey but it is worth every drop of sweat to become to healthy, thin, and more SEXAY than we aleady are!!!

    Keep on going, don't give up, you want it!!

    Until tomorrow, Goodnight.

  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    So evening of day 2.

    Today went pretty well I think, I was lazy as hell but got SOME exercise in. I ate under my cals (still eating my PB&J) :) I am looking forward to tomorrow and every day past that! We many not be there yet, but we are healthier than we were yesterday!!!

    The no scale is the hardest. I was an avid naked 6am weigh-er and now TWO days not stepping on the scale! I HOPE it shows some results on the 3rd!

    Have a lovely night ladies.

    Dawn, thank you for creating this amazing challenge!!!!
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    WToday is my normal weigh in day. I'm struggling want to get on that scale. Hopefully cleaningwill distract me. Ho is day three going for you?
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    My day is going okay so far, I have been EXTREAMLY lazy. My only exercise for the day has been 45 min of cleaning. That is probably all it will be. I am not even tired, just super lazy and I can't get out of this funk! PLUS I have no more peanutbutter and payday is tomorrow :( Gah

    I hope you lovely ladies are doing well!
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    Today sounds like somewhat of a challenging day for some of us. It is 8:15 pm and I just got home. My stomache has been hurting and I have a headache. I'm going to do a short walk on the tredmill an call it a night.

    So true, that scale has been the hardest part of the challenge...besides feeling guilty about eating bread today :(

    Hopefully everyone is feeling good tonight and ready to take on another day. At the end of all this we get to find out what our loss was, I know I am excited!!!

    BTW...I'm thinking easter is going to be tough, whatdo you think?

    Time to jump on the treadmill, Until tomorrow, goodnight!

  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Today seams to be better than yesterday, I was so unmotivated yesterday. But today I am taking my toddler out swimming and I got him a floatie so I can do *restricted* laps towing him along! So I am pretty stoked about that.

    Dawn I don't know how you do it with out bread, that is ONE thing I could never cut out of my diet no matter how hard I try :( I love carbs. Sigh.

    We are on day 4! WHOOHOO we can do this ladies! ! I hope you all have a fantastic day! We are almost half way through our challenge
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Today is my only full day off of work and motivation is gonna be hard. I must do my day 2 for the c25k program or else I will run out of rest days. I was thinking of doing some more cleaning today too, ask me at the end of the day how that goes. :)

    What are you ladies up to today?
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    Today has been a long day full of work and a not so good doctor visit :( Hope everyone keeps theirself healthy! Remember, family is the most important!! Keep up the good work :)

    Good night

  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    I hope everything is okay Dawn. Here is to another day.
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    I hope you are okay Dawn.

    Today was okay, Sunday on Easter will be hard. Ugh I gotta work extra hard to make sure that I get burn those chocolate calories!
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Everyone, hav a blessed Easter and tell your family how much you love them!! Today is a free day, lets enjoy it and a nice Easter dinner. Tomorrow we can start over fresh and do a little extra exercise.

    You will notice that the pas few days I have been undereating, not because I want to but beacause I have been so busy and not hungry...(Really ad for the health and weight loss) I promise it will be better on Monday. :)

    See you all tomorrow!!!
  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    sorry I've not gotten on here to write how things are going ,been extremely busy and to be honest I had for gotten about this part of challenge .Easter today day and things are going well.company post poned. till Monday after noon so quite here today .which is ok with me .will be traveling on Tue to freinds. house so won't be able to do exercise .I don't think so any way . have a wonderful day everyone in group Happy easter