94 Days It can sure make a Change.....



  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    Note to Fashionista that may apply for other people's motivation, too - GO YOU for sticking it out in spite of cold - I have read the standard doctor advice is that it's fine to work out IF you don't have a COUGH. Once I learned that, whenever I have a slightly crappy cold feeling, I go ahead and hit it. Last time a cold was threatening, I shut that thing down before it got legs...

    My history is that since childhood ;I was always super susceptible to respiratory infections. When I got really consistently dedicated to challenging workouts 5 - 6 days per week, starting May 2011 until I was dropping the ball a little in the past 6 months or so, I went for EIGHTEEN MONTHS without a single cold, while everyone around me was dropping like flies. For me, that was motivation enough, though I STILL have to remind myself of it. Anyway - talking to the motivation and accountability conversation, and the woman who suggested you have to find that motivation from within - YES, YOU DO - and it needs to be something as powerful as feeling yourself saving your life or making your days 100x brighter. But also I am totally agreed with the DVD suggestions - I have always used workout DVDs and love them - or better workout plans from magazines (you can find most of them on their sites, too - love Women's Health for some good ones). And you are gonna feel sluggish to start so you had better book that first workout into your calendar now, put one foot in front of the other to get through it whether you're at home or at the gym, and then focus on exactly how good you feel. Then wash, rinse, repeat. I suggest you make a solid week (5 - 6 days) of it to get it back into your brain. Got no equipment at home, and fail to go to the gym one day? by all means, do some pushups, tri-dips, burpees, jumping jacks, lunges and squats - no-brainers - till you're sweating/burning, then tell us about it!
  • MsPrettyAmazing
    MsPrettyAmazing Posts: 32 Member
    We got this!!!!

    I am holding strong but I cant lie I want a bag of chips soooooooooo bad :)

    How many more days left? LOL

    Lol I would love some chips! Best wishes everyone! Keep sticking to it, we got this!
  • saugonda1
    saugonda1 Posts: 145 Member
    Chips are my downfall also, but i'm in it to win it..... Keep Pressing On, chips will become something of the past, real soon, are they will be like ice cream for me, a rare treat.
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    DiaryOfaThickFitWoman Posts: 406 Member
    Not at all motivated today and very much disappointed with the scale, yet since you guys are still pushing I feel need to do the same. About to get on the treadmill in a few minutes......
  • Aakornely
    Aakornely Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for taking your time to respond ladies.... Really needed it. Taken bits and pieces of everyone’s advice and I will put it to good use. I will now have a CAN do attitude, I will use the DVD's that I currently have and maybe get a couple that you had suggested. If I can't make it to the gym I WILL work out at home. I know that once I get my energy back I will want to be at the gym at 5 am before work, not dread it!!!!

    Thanks again for helping this chubby girl get fit... your all beautiful women inside and out!
  • Hardemanwifey
    Hardemanwifey Posts: 259 Member
    Loving the energy in this support group. We got this ladies. I think just knowing that im apart of this awesome challenge with such motivated people is keeping me on track. I WANT RESULTS! Lets keep pushing forward
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Lets all keep pushing to make everyday count!!
  • My biggest hurdle is actually getting motivated to work out, I have a gym membership that I dont use. Love cardio, hate weighs.... I really just want to get outside and walk/jog but I live in Wisconsin and we just got another 5 in of snow. Summer is just around the corner and Winter hasnt even ended yet!!!!! I really need someone to hold me accountable for going to the gym, the gym I havent been to in months (YIKES).

    Hi AAKornely,
    I was the exact same way. The worst part for me was getting back into the gym. For about a year I convinced myself that I would be more comfortable working out at home or just walking after work or on lunch. For me the problem was that I rarely did it because I always found a reason not to. Going to my local rec center has helped me a great deal. The hardest part is just getting there. Once I am there the other people actually motivate me to just finish. For the 1st few months I did just cardio 30-40 minutes. As I started to feel more comfortable I add a little bit of weights. Trust me, you can do it. The 1st step is making it a part of your schedule. I also started to schedule my workouts on my calendar just like a do the kids activates and meetings. So I know at 9am tomorrow morning I have my work out on my calendar and I have to do it just like I have to pick the kids up at 3:50. These are just a few things that have helped me. One day at a time. We are here for you and I hope all of our tricks and experiences help:)

    This!! I started out that way too. Now I absolutely love cardio and strength training. I'm to the point now that I'm always looking for other workouts to do. Take it one day at a time. Be determined that TODAY I'M GONNA DO THAT WORKOUT!! Eventually, you won't have to convince yourself to do it. One day, it won't be so difficult for you to get up and get it done.

    You're not gonna like every workout you try so you have to find one that you do like. You're more likely to stick with it that way. As others have said, we are here for you. You've already taken the first step by joining this amazing group....now take the second one ;)
  • Not at all motivated today and very much disappointed with the scale, yet since you guys are still pushing I feel need to do the same. About to get on the treadmill in a few minutes......

    I know how you feel. Some days I am not motivated to do anything either. For so many of us, being overweight is not our only issues. On top of that, we also have to deal with the stresses of life. Push harder and go stronger and refuse to be defeated!! You're a winner and the proof is that you decided to work out despite how you were feeling.
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    DiaryOfaThickFitWoman Posts: 406 Member
    Not at all motivated today and very much disappointed with the scale, yet since you guys are still pushing I feel need to do the same. About to get on the treadmill in a few minutes......

    I know how you feel. Some days I am not motivated to do anything either. For so many of us, being overweight is not our only issues. On top of that, we also have to deal with the stresses of life. Push harder and go stronger and refuse to be defeated!! You're a winner and the proof is that you decided to work out despite how you were feeling.

    Thanks for your words!
  • Addicted2_fitness
    Addicted2_fitness Posts: 396 Member
    Good for you for pushing through! We ALL have those days! Stick with it, results are inevitable!!! Have a good day!

    PS -- I am new to this forum thing, but I will catch on soon enough--- ^^^This message was a reply to Angelbeee's first post (posted on 3/20):blushing:
  • justthick
    justthick Posts: 33 Member
    Yes Steph. Small things do add up. I have decided to do this 100 day challenge and other challenges and it helps me. It has catapulted me info a direction that is positive. I feel better and people have noticed physically and mentally. Lol its true.
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    Hello sorry I have not been responding daily. I sign in with the mobile app so I can't respond everyday. I am doing better with working out and been accountable. I definitely can tell that I am getting stronger. Congrats to you guys for sticking with the program ????????????