BF% down, but not weight

I'm nearing the end of Stage 1 and have been consistently completing workouts 3x/week along with a personal training session. I've lost .5 lb (though only weighing in at my PT session which is at night.. not sure how much of a difference this makes) and 2% body fat.

I know how my body looks, how I feel, and my BF% mean far more than scale weight, but is the slooooow weight drop indicative of anything? At some point, the weight has to give way if I want to continue to decrease my BF%.. right?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    not necessarily. you can lose inches (bodyfat) but put scale weight on....

    this is why the tape measure is your best friend throughout NWOL4W!
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    ^ THAT.

    Trust your body. There are plenty of women who look more slender and better now at a higher weight/lower BF than a lower weight.

    Nothing is wrong, you're doing everything right :) keep it up!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
  • ellen1188
    ellen1188 Posts: 12
    katwhelton26: wow, some of those pictures were disturbing.. but in a good way!

    TavistockToad: I have a tape measure, currently measuring by whole inches, but wondering if I should try smaller increments to better gauge change.

    Cognitively, I understand that I can look better at the same weight-- or a higher weight-- but I'm skeptical that I can cut my body fat percentage by 8-10% without any weight loss. Since I'm about a month+ in, I'm just trying to pay attention to everything so that I know if I'm on/off for my goals. :)