Define "Clean Eating"



  • persistantone
    persistantone Posts: 59 Member
    Clean eating for me is trying to move away from processed foods, ready meals, junk food and towards food closest to its original state. Make meals from scratch as often as possible, but don't get obsessed and don't let it get i the way of your social life.

    Same here.
  • jcatyoon
    jcatyoon Posts: 4
    I'm not really, a "clean eater;" I joined the group to learn more about it. Right now my eating habits are very scattered. I have recently incorporated a lot more raw fruits and vegetables into my day. I eat two meals: one raw/ lean meal and one standard american meal. I try to choose a heathy sort of meal for my non-raw meal... I avoid crazy, unidentifiable ingredients and try eat a well balanced plate that emphasizes vegetables and minimizes grains/ starches. I eat whatever snacks I like in between these meals, mostly healthy snacks like raw coconut water or carrots, but at least one or two fattening snacks like a short latte or a cookie. I restrict my calorie consumption to 1400 calories a day or less. Also, I fast on days I feel up to it.

    I don't know what I am, haha.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    No artificial sweeteners is how it began for me January of 2012, I decided after 2 months of exercising to give my body a 1 month break from diet soda. I really made no other changes to my diet. I noticed within 2 weeks what a horrible thing it had done to my body. It had been the major force behind my sweets/simple carbs cravings. I couldn't go a day without sweets/simple carbs feeling like a drug addict needing a fix. I stopped my 2 cans a day diet soda habit and a calmness came over me that I hadn't ever felt. Then I built upon that eating gradually more healthy month by month.