fruit smoothies for breakfast



  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    My latest smoothie. I was uninspired this morning, but needed breakfast before I got to the gym. Saw an overripe banana that needed to be used so jumped off from there. It turned out so delicious I kept thinking it couldn't be healthy.

    1 banana
    1 handful of baby kale
    3/4 cup almond milk
    2 T Valrhona Cocoa powder
    2 T PB2
    2 T whey protein powder
    1/2 tsp bee pollen
    1 tsp Barlean's orange fish oil

    Whirl and enjoy.

    I thought I might have to sweeten it, but the over ripe banana and whey powder and Barlean's fish oil must have been sweet enough.
  • lesliefb
    lesliefb Posts: 88 Member
    Great recipes! Looking forward to trying some of these.

    My standard is:

    1 handful baby spinach or kale (spinach doesn't add flavor, but kale does -- I like it, but my kids don't)
    1/2 large or 1 small banana
    handful of blueberries (approx 1/2 c)
    handful of frozen strawberries (approx 5-7 berries)
    1 tbl chia seeds
    1 tbl flax seeds
    a bit of water to taste - prob 1 cup. Any juice or milk of your choice would also be good.

    If I want more protein, I'll add a heaping tablespoon or two of greek yogurt or a tbl of peanut butter.
  • MercedesV
    MercedesV Posts: 70 Member
    I use a nutria-bullet but any blender/juicer would work.

    -2 cups spinach
    -1 apple
    -1 banana
    -1 cup berries (any variety in season)
    -8 oz mango (or any flavor) Good Belly probiotic juice
    -8 oz water

    can add ice

  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    Is there any way to save a certain discussion to refer back to later?
  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    Is there any way to save a certain discussion to refer back to later?

    Bookmark it ;)

    I do green, with very little fruit, usually.
    Power add ins:
    1 TBL Chia seeds
    1 TBL Flax seeds
    2 TBL powdered egg white (MUCH cheaper than the athlete protein mixes, and NO add ins)

    My favorite "dessert type" smoothie:
    1/2 cup of canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
    1 cup of almond milk (if I am really under on calories for the day I will use full fat coconut milk)
    1/2 t cinnamon
    1/2 t pumpkin pie spice ( I like more)
    1 serving of stevia (I use it straight, it is an 1/8th tsp)
    1/2 c ice
    Blend well
  • mkramarz
    mkramarz Posts: 47 Member
    You almost can't go wrong - Helps to have good equipment - I use the Nutri Bullet and love it - easy and powerful..
    Today I had spinach strawberries and banana *they say 40% green *in this case, spinach and 60% fruit ... I used 2/3 cup almond milk - Yummy -
    I use kale or spinach as a base in most of my smoothies - I use fruit and then a liquid like almond milk, coconunt milk or water or plain greek yogurt - Experiment!
  • MorningWhispers
    frozen banana and a peach blended together - I'm in heaven.

    Just be sure to peel the banana before you freeze it.

    (I personally like to blend the fruit together and then freeze it and it comes out like sherbet or sorbet)
  • katerinavonhummel
    All these recipes look so good I was unable to prevent myself from whipping one up right now!
    Frozen strawberries
    Pineapple Chobani
    Apple juice
    chia seeds
