The Weekly Male Stop (3/22 - 3/28)

KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
Hey guys,

After a slow start to the week (again), I'm happy to record a nice loss this morning. I'm walking the pups more, with a 2-mile, fast pace walk in the evenings. I still want to work more with the weights, but haven't motivated myself enough yet. Of course with recording weight losses for 11 straight Fridays, I ask myself what's the hurry? Baby steps. I'll get there.

So, tell me this doesn't look a little OCD to y'all: Like any typical morning, I got out of bed, took a (drained the bladder), and weighed myself. 210.4. I stepped on the scale again, 210.4. I went to the kitchen and poured my coffee. I came back and weighed 210.4 again.

I hate ".4". :mad: The scale only registers weights that end with .0, .2, .4, .6, and .8. Was my 210.4, almost 210.6? And I was really only hoping 211 anyway. What a delima. When I record my weight in my spreadsheet, should I round it down to 210 and make it harder to show a loss next week? Or should I round it up to 211? I rounded up and recorded it as 211.

But not satisfied, I weighed myself again on the way to my shower. Still 210.4. At least my scale is being consistant, which is more than I could say about my old bathroom scale. Anyway, I degress. I took my shower and just as I was going to get dressed, I thought what the hell and weighed myself one last time. I was still hoping for it to say 210.6, but I stepped on the scale and it said 210.2. What?

I got to admit, I was not expecting 210 this week. But I'll take it. :bigsmile:

Please remind me if I ever do this again that I don't round to the nearest whole pound and just record my weigh-ins with whatever ".x" is! :ohwell:

SW: 247
CW: 210
GW: 180-190


  • thadius65
    thadius65 Posts: 36 Member
    I also want to hit the weights, but I am going to wait until I reach my target weight.

    I had another good week and owe it all to the easy math of MFP - BMF = deficit =weight loss. Down another 3.5 lbs and getting ever closer. I will admit thought that I am in a rut. A good one, but none the less a rut. I need some decent weather so I can fast walk outside and do some hills vs inside on elip all the time.

    It was a big sigh of relief that even after last Saturday's St. Patty's day celebration with many beers and irish whiskey, I was able to recover.

    Have a great coming week!


    SW: 299
    CW: 241.5
    GW: 235/225
    H: 6'2"
    Age 48
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Great progress guys - way to go!

    I had a pretty good week. Had to travel to Boston (I live near San Francisco) and had early starts both days, so that whacked my workouts. But, was careful on the food, got some exercise in the last couple of days, and I'm down 2 lbs from last week's weigh-in. I think there is a fair bit of random variation but back to going in the right direction.

    Now I just need to cut down on the wine with the wife late at night when we are both relaxing! That really hits the calorie count.

    If I can knock off another 2 lbs this week, I'll hit my first 10 lbs down mark, and I'll be pretty much on track to hit my goal weight this year.

    Let's keep doing this!

    SW 266
    CW 259
    GW 199
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I did make it to the gym three times this week (2 cardio, 1 weights). Scale is still the same, but I can tell the workouts are getting easier to complete and easier to recover from (the first few were hell).

    SW 236
    CW 234
    GW 190
  • Hey Guys. I recorded a loss this past Friday and I'll take it. Down 0.2 pounds last week. I had a decent week on my regiment but didn't work out like I wanted. This trend of not working out like I want has to stop. Work is slowing down which wil help. All that said, I had a pretty cool NSV this past weekend. The wife surprised me by taking me shopping for some new clothes. My current jeans are getting pretty baggy. When I tried on the jeans at the store, I could fit into a 33-inch waist COMFORTABLY in the Levi's and a 32-inch waist in a brand that I am sure ran big. I was at a 36-inch waist at my heaviest (192 pounds) and a 34-inch waist when I started MFP (182 pounds). The wife didn't see it but I was thinking, "Oh hell yeah!!"

    SW 182
    CW 167
    New GW 160
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    Looking like everyone is doing good! Keep it up guys. I've slowed down on what I let MFP post on my behalf, but I'll still come in here a couple times to see how all of us are doing.

    Mini-Rant: I got a bit tire of MFP posting that I "Completed my diary" and that I had "logged in for xxx days in a row." Plus I was tired of the thing posting everytime I wanted to adjust my calories. "streittk burned 2 calories doing 10 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Taking out the trash". I mean, give me a break. I don't need 5 people to tell me congrats for using my diary for 5 days straight. :noway: Really? Congrats that I used the tool? No thanks. I'll stick to letting it say I lost 2 pounds, but I don't need to have it post everytime I use the toilet. :frown:

  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    Oh, I wanted to say. I took my son to a driver's education class on Sunday. He only had 45 minutes for lunch, so I picked him up and we ate at Burger King. The burger was 600 calories! Add to it medium onion rings and a Dr Pepper and I had eaten 1,250 of my calories in 15 minutes. Are you kidding me? I think I gained 3 lbs Sunday, even though I spent most of it working in my back yard.

    You know though. It really has me thinking. How is it that when I wasn't counting my calories... I mean, how was I able to eat like that whenever I wanted and I never blew up? How did I NOT get over 250 lbs?

  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Even though my diary is open to those I friend, I don't post my daily food until the next morning (that keeps it from posting to my timeline). I've also found that ignoring people for the "pop congratulations" causes them to stop after a while.
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    Even though my diary is open to those I friend, I don't post my daily food until the next morning (that keeps it from posting to my timeline).

    Damn. I would have never guessed that. That's cool though. Changing the setting really helped my sanity. I spend enough time on the computer and don't need to answer everybody that congratulates me. Of course, I realize that I can no longer post the cardio exercise of "burning 200 calories while having 60 minutes wild sex with the wife", without typing it in each time. :laugh: