Petite girls under 5,2 weights ?

I just started this programme a couple I weeks ago but the weights I lift are so pathetic! I am 5,2 and 103.5 lbs.
I can barely lift the Olympic bar!
Here are my weights.
Squat: 40lbs
Lunge: 20lbs
Stepups: 20lbs.

I can't imagine ever lifting more! Even at these weights I usually struggle at the 10th rep and take a little break to finish the last 5. Does it get better? Thanks!


  • colleen3115
    colleen3115 Posts: 69 Member
    Those aren't pathetic weights! I'm on week 4 and that is about what I am lifting BUT I worked up to that AND I don't have to take a break. Do whatever weight you can do to finish all the reps and be tired on the last rep.
  • colleen3115
    colleen3115 Posts: 69 Member
    And I'm 5'2 :) Heavier than you though.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Those aren't pathetic at all! And you will make gains no problem, I'm sure. Just give it time!

    I'm 5 foot...135.
  • IliN82
    IliN82 Posts: 108
    Thanks so much ladies! Nice to see some other petite girls here! What stage are you guys on'?
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    i just finished my first week and we are lifting about the same. i do a bit more for lunges and stepups. what i've been doing is increasing in 5 lb increments as i can. if i get to a weight that i couldn't do the full 15 for then i stick to that weight until i can do the full 15. that's only been an issue for seated rows. somehow i jumped from 40 to 60lb b/c i didn't know how to read the stupid weights lol they left the zeros off of all of the number so i thought it was maybe 6 kgs which i figured couldn't be too bad.

    i plan on pushing myself just a little more each time. i'm so excited about this but i don't want to hurt myself.

    i'm 5'2 as well.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Thanks so much ladies! Nice to see some other petite girls here! What stage are you guys on'?

    I just started Stage 3 today!